Our Mission is:
To educate, according to The Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence, Souls to Love God; to Live in Grace; to understand and Live in the Spirit They are and to provide a Loving, Caring and Nurturing environment for the Soul's Growth and Progression.
To Fulfill this Mission, the Seminary has Classes; Workshops, Independent Projects; Informal Gatherings; Service Projects; and Focus and Direction with the Dean to help all Students Understand and Live by the Spiritual Realities that govern Their Lives and to re-Commit to and re-invigorate their lives.
Our Focus is the Student’s Learning by experience AND the Loving Discipline of Scholarship using the Self as the Key Resource.
Students may enroll in either a Degree-granting Program or audit Classes offered by the Seminary. All Students are required to follow the LEARNING SEQUENCES as outlined in the Section.
Students can choose to enroll in the Master of Arts in Spiritual Studies or, if a Student of the Sound Current (Initiate), in the Master of Science in the Science of Spirit or, if the Student has previously received Ordination from the Seminary, the Student must enroll in the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Program. Students who wish to receive Ordination from the Seminary need to enroll in the M.Div. Program in order to be eligible for Ordination. All M.S applicants need to have begun their second year as Students Of The Sound Current.
All those who have received Master's degrees may apply to the Ph.D. Program in The Science of Spirit or to the Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) Program. Those who gain conditional admission may be required to take Master's level Courses at the Seminary before continuing with the Doctoral Program. Only those with an M.Div. Degree from the Seminary are eligible to be admitted directly to the D.D. Program.
Please note that application to the Seminary is not a guarantee of Admission; all applications are handled on an individual basis and, even when admission is granted, admission to the Seminary may be conditional upon the successful completion of the prerequisite work.
Please complete the application form here. Please be sure to complete every item so that your application can be processed; please be sure to include a check for $150 made out to Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies and marked "Application"; on memo line. All applications need to be accompanied by an official transcript from the college or university from which the degree below the one being sought was granted. Students Who wish to apply to the Doctoral Program of the Seminary and who have received their Master's from the Seminary do not need a transcript.
Applications are due eight weeks before the start of each semester; those received after that date will be processed for the following semester.
A Student in the Degree Program is considered registered as long as the Student is making progress towards a Degree; a Student needs to re-apply if he or she chooses not to attend for two consecutive Semesters.
A Student may attend the Seminary as an Audit Student to partake of the Offerings in the Sequence as set forth in this catalog.
If an Audit Student wishes to transfer to one of the Degree Programs, the Student must notify the Office of the Dean in writing no later than the midpoint of completion of the Third Sequence.
There is a nominal fee of $25 to re-register as a Student in a Degree Program.
Please see the following sections with the details of each of the following requirements to receive an M.A. in Spiritual Studies:
4. ATTENDANCE (including in-person at Graduation);
5. FEES;
Learning and Service Project Sequence for M.A. Degree Spiritual Studies
All Courses, Workshops and Service Projects need to be taken in the order outlined below so as to maximize the Learning Experience and the ability of the Student to integrate successfully the Learning and Understanding of The Teachings. Before moving on to subsequent Learning Sequences, it is the responsibility of the Student to ensure that all requirements for Classes, Workshops and Service Projects have been completed and all financial obligations, discharged. Students do not receive credit for any work completed out of sequence.
LEARNING SEQUENCE 1: Foundation for Spiritual Studies I; Communication Class; Relationships Class; Money Workshop®I
LEARNING SEQUENCE 2: Everyday Evolution I (Class or Workshop, depending upon offering); Foundation For Spiritual Studies II; Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part I
LEARNING SEQUENCE 3: The Money Workbook Class; Dream Class; Tools For Living Free - Part I Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 4: Fear, Hurt, Pain And Other Attachments
LEARNING SEQUENCE 5: Everyday Evolution II; The Teachings Class
MAY BE TAKEN AT ANY TIME: Survey Of Religions East And West
SERVICE PROJECT I: Must be started at the same time as LEARNING SEQUENCE 3 and finished by the fifth Class of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4.
SERVICE PROJECT 2: Must be started by the ninth week of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4 and be finished by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 5.
Learning and Service Sequence For M.S. Degree in the Science of Spirit
LEARNING SEQUENCE 1: Beginner’s Class; Communication Class; Relationships Class; Money Workshop®I
LEARNING SEQUENCE 2: Everyday Evolution 1 (Class or Workshop, depending on offering); Tools For Living Free – Part I Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 3: The Money Workbook Class; Money Workshop®II; Dream Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 4: Fear, Hurt, Pain And Other Attachments; The Teachings Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 5: Everyday Evolution II (Class or Workshop); Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part I; Living In Grace
MAY BE TAKEN AT ANY TIME: Survey Of Religions East And West
SERVICE PROJECT 1: Must be started at the same time as LEARNING SEQUENCE 3 and finished by the fifth Class of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4.
SERVICE PROJECT 2: Must be started by the ninth week of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4 and finished by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 5.
Learning and Service Project Sequence For M.DIV. Degree
LEARNING SEQUENCE 1: Beginner's Class; Communication Class; Relationships Class; Money Workshop®I
LEARNING SEQUENCE 2: Everyday Evolution 1 (Class or Workshop, depending on offering); Tools For Living Free - Part I Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 3: The Money Workbook Class; Money Workshop®II; Dream Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 4: Fear, Hurt, Pain And Other Attachments; The Teachings Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 5: Everyday Evolution II (Class or Workshop); Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part I; Living In Grace
LEARNING SEQUENCE 6: Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part II: Understanding, Applying And Living The "Bible" Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence; The Teachings And HU-mankind Class
MAY BE TAKEN AT ANY TIME: Survey Of Religions East And West
SERVICE PROJECT 1: Must be started at the same time as LEARNING SEQUENCE 3 and finished by the fifth Class of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4.
SERVICE PROJECT 2: Must be started by the ninth week of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4 and finished by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 5.
SERVICE PROJECT 3: Begins in conjunction with the Service Project Coordinator's decision
and ends two weeks before Qualifying Interview with the Dean. This Service Project exposes the
student to at least one of the possible fields of focus in the Ministry and in the Doctoral Program.
All Courses are as indicated according to the following legend:
A= 2 weeks; B=5 weeks; C= 10 weeks; D= 12 weeks.
Workshops are as scheduled.
All Service Projects are for the length indicated and may include vacation periods.
Foundations for Spiritual Studies I:
Participants Learn Responsibility - the ability to respond to the Spirit we are; unlearn habitual
patterns, responses and old ways of thinking; gain greater understanding of what it is to live
Spiritually in the world and how to work the world from This Place of Spirit. Groundwork in The
Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence as a foundation for course work; in utilizing
school resources, Tools, etc. (B)
Foundations for Spiritual Studies II:
Continuation of Foundations for Spiritual Studies I. Students expand horizons of Learning and
Understanding; let go of traditional way of mental cogitation - understanding through thoughts,
feelings and information - and begin to Learn/Understand via Direct Knowing. (B)
Beginner's Class:
Emphasis is placed on gaining a greater understanding of what The Teachings Of The Path Of
Soul Transcendence are; the many Tools available to Students and how to use these Tools; as
well as experiences and insights into each individual's personal responsibility in his/her Spiritual
Growth and Progression. Students receive an Opportunity to experience the Spiritual Energies
"behind" the many Tools They Learn to use and to develop their Attunement to These
Frequencies. (A)
Communication Class:
Learn to Communicate directly, properly, exactly and effectively - from a Spiritual perspective.
When this Class is over you Understand how to ask for what you want in all areas of your life
and, more importantly, that the place where this critical interchange really takes place is inside
yourSelf, "between" you and the Spirit You Are. (A)
Relationships Class:
Learn how to have the ones you want - in all areas of your life. This Class Teaches Students the
Essence of all their relationships and how to harness their own Power and Inner Strength.
Ultimately, the only relationship you have is with yourSelf - the Spirit You Are. (B)
Money Workshop®I:
Students are given the Opportunity to move into greater Abundance and Positive Self-worth and
to give themSelves the lives They want. Expand your world view! Empower your Positive
Everyday Evolution I:
The Student Learns to let go of the negative polarity and Focus on the Positive Polarity; to
change habitual patterns that no longer serve Them and to recognize and eliminate beliefs,
patterns and attitudes that have been allowed to limit the Student and Their Life (open to all but
may be some prerequisites). (Class (C) or Workshop, depending upon offering)
Money Workbook Class:
Based on the popular The Money Workbook by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Student learns what it is
They wants out of life and then how to give it to ThemSelf. The Student Learns to recognize
Their conditioning and then have the Opportunity to decide whether or not They want to keep it
around. The Student also learns the crucial relationship between net worth and Self-worth. (C)
Money Workshop®II:
Continuing the work of the Money Workshop®I, the Student Learns to develop "goals" using a
Spiritual Perspective of Positive Neutrality and Inner Worth and Learns to Allow rather than
"achieve" them. The Workshop concludes with the Student's making of an individualized Tool
for ThemSelf (prerequisite: Money Workshop®I).
Dream Class:
The Student gains in the Understanding of the critical Relationship between dreams and Their
Growth - from a Spiritual Perspective; recognizes the parts of the Self that are involved in the
Process; and Learns to track Spiritual Growth, both during this Course and afterwards. (C)
Fear, Hurt, Pain And Other Attachments:
The Student learns how to live free from attachments - to people, to status, to money, to anything
that the Student is allowing to hold him/herSelf back - all of which are merely reflections of
attachments to inner emotions, feelings and thoughts. Students also Learn the critical relationship
between Living Free and Receiving what They want in life. (B)
The Teachings Class:
The Student gains a greater Understanding of The Teachings Of The Path Of Soul
Transcendence; Learns to apply the Scientific method of study for living and verifying these
Teachings and gains greater Neutrality and Freedom in Their Life The Lord, God has Given
Them. Discover deeper meaning and Purpose to your being on this earth! (C)
Everyday Evolution II:
An Intermediate level course for those who have taken Everyday Evolution I that builds upon the
Student's abilities to drop patterns and beliefs that are allowed to limit this Life The Lord, God
has Given Them; Learn to handle - without attachments to Their own agenda - what comes up in
the life; to see every situation as being there solely for Their Growth and Learning; to deal with
every situation from Positive Neutrality and to identify ThemSelf even more as the Spirit They
are (prerequisite: Everyday Evolution I). (Workshop or (C))
Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part I:
Based on the 12-part Video Series Understanding The Spirit You Are by Dr. Roger B. Lane, this
Class expounds on the Living Realities brought forward in the Video Series and assists
individuals in gaining deeper insight and applying expressed Truths on "The Power Of Choice";
"The Twin Towers of Acceptance and Gratitude"; "Living The Truth" and many more. (D)
Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part II:
Based on the 10-part Video Series Understanding The Spirit You Are by Dr. Roger B. Lane, this
Class explores The Path Of Soul Transcendence, giving both a greater Understanding of The
Path and Keys to employ The Truth in a Scientific manner. (C)
Tools For Living Free Class I:
The Student explores, in depth, the popular Educational series Tools For Living Free in areas
such as "Spiritual Economics"; "Living a Blame-less Existence"; "For-Giving YourSelf" and
many more. This Class aids Participants in investigating and Applying these many Tools to the
Lives The Lord, God has Given Them and helps Participants to Learn to Live in God-Alignment.
Tools For Living Free Class II:
Advance exploration of the popular Educational Series Tools For Living Free with Topics in
areas such as "Spiritual Economics"; "Living a Blame-less Existence"; "Practicing Positive Self-
Talk" and many more. Through the processes in this Class the Student delves deeper into the
Truth of Spirit; Applies these Truths and embarks on Their own Scientific investigation of the
Truth at hand (prerequisite: Tools For Living Free Class I). (C)
Living In Grace:
The Student Learns how to live free of duality, free of "bouncing" between negativity and Spirit.
The Student is strengthened in Surrender to the Truth of Spirit; Allowing and Receiving a life for
ThemSelf in Alignment with God's Will; and begins to Know True Joy and Peace. (B)
Survey Of Religions East And West:
The Student Learns the nature, purpose and features of the major religions of the world from a
Spiritual perspective; also sees how our lives, societies and religions have been shaped by our
relationship to God - whether or not we realize it. Come into Greater Understanding of yourSelf
as the Spirit You Are! This Class is nonsectarian; no religious background required. (C)
Understanding, Applying And Living The “Bible” Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence:
Using the “Blue” and “Red” Books, the Student explores the Framework of The Path Of Soul
Transcendence: The Purpose of Human Life and Initiation; Being an Initiate; and Living as an
Initiate and the Fulfillment of HU-man Life. (B)
The Teachings And HU-mankind Class:
The Student builds upon Their experiences of, and knowledge of, such important aspects of The
Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence as Acceptance; Inherently Worthy; Surrender; “Giraffe Consciousness”; and Grace and builds the Soul's Responsibility to do likewise. An important course in Learning to Minister to “others.” (C)
The M.A. or M.S. Student meets with Their advisor at the beginning of LEARNING
SEQUENCE 3 to discuss and to focus the Thesis. The M.A. or M.S. Student must start the
Thesis by the midpoint of this Sequence and complete by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 5.
M.Div. Students must meet with Their advisor at the beginning of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4
and begin at the midpoint and complete the Thesis by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 6.
All Students must demonstrate an understanding of The Teachings; a successful integration and
Application in the Student's daily life of The Teachings and Scholarship.
Attendance is a vital component of the Educational Experience at the Seminary as the Focus is on
both Scholarship and Experiential Learning. Accordingly, Students are required to attend Satsangs
(Spiritual Instructions) and Video Showings on a monthly basis and Meditations semi-monthly (twice
a month). In addition, Students are expected to actively use the Library for Audio and Video
CDs/DVDs and issues of Educational Publications such as Tools For Living Free; Students outside of
the NYC area of the Home Center are to actively use the Website. Students are also required to meet
the attendance requirements of all Classes, Workshops, Service Projects and meetings with
Advisors and with the Dean.
In this spirit in-person Attendance and Participation is required at Graduation to receive the Degree
from the Program in Which you are enrolled.
By the end of the fifth class of the last Sequence before being eligible for Graduation, each
Student needs to contact the Office of the Dean and arrange a time, upon completion of ALL
work, to sit for the Qualifying Evaluation and Interview with the Dean.
During this time together, the Student and the Dean evaluate the Student's mastery of the work
and Learning and the integration of The Teachings into Their daily life; the continued
Commitment to Same and to the Perfection of Spirit that the Student is and to The Teachings as
the Foundation of Their Life The Lord, God has Given Them. Areas that need greater fulfillment
are identified as are the Student's strength.
A determination based upon the above and a Grade Point Average in ALL work of 3.2 on a scale
of 4.0 is also made as to the Student's eligibility to graduate as per the Student's Degree
requirements, with a minimum grade of B- (2.7) in a course.
This Seminary regards the demonstration of meeting fiscal responsibilities to be an invaluable
part of the Student's Experience/Learning at the Seminary. Accordingly, fees are modest.
Please see Schedule of Fees.
Our Mission is:
To educate, according to The Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence, Souls to Love God; to Live in Grace; to understand and Live in the Spirit They are and to provide a Loving, Caring and Nurturing environment for the Soul's Growth and Progression.
To Fulfill this Mission, the Seminary has Classes; Workshops, Independent Projects; Informal Gatherings; Service Projects; and Focus and Direction with the Dean to help all Students Understand and Live by the Spiritual Realities that govern Their Lives and to re-Commit to and re-invigorate their lives.
Our Focus is the Student’s Learning by experience AND the Loving Discipline of Scholarship using the Self as the Key Resource.
Students may enroll in either a Degree-granting Program or audit Classes offered by the Seminary. All Students are required to follow the LEARNING SEQUENCES as outlined in the Section.
Students can choose to enroll in the Master of Arts in Spiritual Studies or, if a Student of the Sound Current (Initiate), in the Master of Science in the Science of Spirit or, if the Student has previously received Ordination from the Seminary, the Student must enroll in the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Program. Students who wish to receive Ordination from the Seminary need to enroll in the M.Div. Program in order to be eligible for Ordination. All M.S applicants need to have begun their second year as Students Of The Sound Current.
All those who have received Master's degrees may apply to the Ph.D. Program in The Science of Spirit or to the Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) Program. Those who gain conditional admission may be required to take Master's level Courses at the Seminary before continuing with the Doctoral Program. Only those with an M.Div. Degree from the Seminary are eligible to be admitted directly to the D.D. Program.
Please note that application to the Seminary is not a guarantee of Admission; all applications are handled on an individual basis and, even when admission is granted, admission to the Seminary may be conditional upon the successful completion of the prerequisite work.
Please complete the application form here. Please be sure to complete every item so that your application can be processed; please be sure to include a check for $150 made out to Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies and marked "Application"; on memo line. All applications need to be accompanied by an official transcript from the college or university from which the degree below the one being sought was granted. Students Who wish to apply to the Doctoral Program of the Seminary and who have received their Master's from the Seminary do not need a transcript.
Applications are due eight weeks before the start of each semester; those received after that date will be processed for the following semester.
A Student in the Degree Program is considered registered as long as the Student is making progress towards a Degree; a Student needs to re-apply if he or she chooses not to attend for two consecutive Semesters.
A Student may attend the Seminary as an Audit Student to partake of the Offerings in the Sequence as set forth in this catalog.
If an Audit Student wishes to transfer to one of the Degree Programs, the Student must notify the Office of the Dean in writing no later than the midpoint of completion of the Third Sequence.
There is a nominal fee of $25 to re-register as a Student in a Degree Program.
Please see the following sections with the details of each of the following requirements to receive an M.A. in Spiritual Studies:
4. ATTENDANCE (including in-person at Graduation);
5. FEES;
Learning and Service Project Sequence for M.A. Degree Spiritual Studies
All Courses, Workshops and Service Projects need to be taken in the order outlined below so as to maximize the Learning Experience and the ability of the Student to integrate successfully the Learning and Understanding of The Teachings. Before moving on to subsequent Learning Sequences, it is the responsibility of the Student to ensure that all requirements for Classes, Workshops and Service Projects have been completed and all financial obligations, discharged. Students do not receive credit for any work completed out of sequence.
LEARNING SEQUENCE 1: Foundation for Spiritual Studies I; Communication Class; Relationships Class; Money Workshop®I
LEARNING SEQUENCE 2: Everyday Evolution I (Class or Workshop, depending upon offering); Foundation For Spiritual Studies II; Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part I
LEARNING SEQUENCE 3: The Money Workbook Class; Dream Class; Tools For Living Free - Part I Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 4: Fear, Hurt, Pain And Other Attachments
LEARNING SEQUENCE 5: Everyday Evolution II; The Teachings Class
MAY BE TAKEN AT ANY TIME: Survey Of Religions East And West
SERVICE PROJECT I: Must be started at the same time as LEARNING SEQUENCE 3 and finished by the fifth Class of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4.
SERVICE PROJECT 2: Must be started by the ninth week of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4 and be finished by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 5.
Learning and Service Sequence For M.S. Degree in the Science of Spirit
LEARNING SEQUENCE 1: Beginner’s Class; Communication Class; Relationships Class; Money Workshop®I
LEARNING SEQUENCE 2: Everyday Evolution 1 (Class or Workshop, depending on offering); Tools For Living Free – Part I Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 3: The Money Workbook Class; Money Workshop®II; Dream Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 4: Fear, Hurt, Pain And Other Attachments; The Teachings Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 5: Everyday Evolution II (Class or Workshop); Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part I; Living In Grace
MAY BE TAKEN AT ANY TIME: Survey Of Religions East And West
SERVICE PROJECT 1: Must be started at the same time as LEARNING SEQUENCE 3 and finished by the fifth Class of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4.
SERVICE PROJECT 2: Must be started by the ninth week of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4 and finished by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 5.
Learning and Service Project Sequence For M.DIV. Degree
LEARNING SEQUENCE 1: Beginner's Class; Communication Class; Relationships Class; Money Workshop®I
LEARNING SEQUENCE 2: Everyday Evolution 1 (Class or Workshop, depending on offering); Tools For Living Free - Part I Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 3: The Money Workbook Class; Money Workshop®II; Dream Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 4: Fear, Hurt, Pain And Other Attachments; The Teachings Class
LEARNING SEQUENCE 5: Everyday Evolution II (Class or Workshop); Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part I; Living In Grace
LEARNING SEQUENCE 6: Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part II: Understanding, Applying And Living The "Bible" Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence; The Teachings And HU-mankind Class
MAY BE TAKEN AT ANY TIME: Survey Of Religions East And West
SERVICE PROJECT 1: Must be started at the same time as LEARNING SEQUENCE 3 and finished by the fifth Class of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4.
SERVICE PROJECT 2: Must be started by the ninth week of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4 and finished by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 5.
SERVICE PROJECT 3: Begins in conjunction with the Service Project Coordinator's decision
and ends two weeks before Qualifying Interview with the Dean. This Service Project exposes the
student to at least one of the possible fields of focus in the Ministry and in the Doctoral Program.
All Courses are as indicated according to the following legend:
A= 2 weeks; B=5 weeks; C= 10 weeks; D= 12 weeks.
Workshops are as scheduled.
All Service Projects are for the length indicated and may include vacation periods.
Foundations for Spiritual Studies I:
Participants Learn Responsibility - the ability to respond to the Spirit we are; unlearn habitual
patterns, responses and old ways of thinking; gain greater understanding of what it is to live
Spiritually in the world and how to work the world from This Place of Spirit. Groundwork in The
Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence as a foundation for course work; in utilizing
school resources, Tools, etc. (B)
Foundations for Spiritual Studies II:
Continuation of Foundations for Spiritual Studies I. Students expand horizons of Learning and
Understanding; let go of traditional way of mental cogitation - understanding through thoughts,
feelings and information - and begin to Learn/Understand via Direct Knowing. (B)
Beginner's Class:
Emphasis is placed on gaining a greater understanding of what The Teachings Of The Path Of
Soul Transcendence are; the many Tools available to Students and how to use these Tools; as
well as experiences and insights into each individual's personal responsibility in his/her Spiritual
Growth and Progression. Students receive an Opportunity to experience the Spiritual Energies
"behind" the many Tools They Learn to use and to develop their Attunement to These
Frequencies. (A)
Communication Class:
Learn to Communicate directly, properly, exactly and effectively - from a Spiritual perspective.
When this Class is over you Understand how to ask for what you want in all areas of your life
and, more importantly, that the place where this critical interchange really takes place is inside
yourSelf, "between" you and the Spirit You Are. (A)
Relationships Class:
Learn how to have the ones you want - in all areas of your life. This Class Teaches Students the
Essence of all their relationships and how to harness their own Power and Inner Strength.
Ultimately, the only relationship you have is with yourSelf - the Spirit You Are. (B)
Money Workshop®I:
Students are given the Opportunity to move into greater Abundance and Positive Self-worth and
to give themSelves the lives They want. Expand your world view! Empower your Positive
Everyday Evolution I:
The Student Learns to let go of the negative polarity and Focus on the Positive Polarity; to
change habitual patterns that no longer serve Them and to recognize and eliminate beliefs,
patterns and attitudes that have been allowed to limit the Student and Their Life (open to all but
may be some prerequisites). (Class (C) or Workshop, depending upon offering)
Money Workbook Class:
Based on the popular The Money Workbook by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Student learns what it is
They wants out of life and then how to give it to ThemSelf. The Student Learns to recognize
Their conditioning and then have the Opportunity to decide whether or not They want to keep it
around. The Student also learns the crucial relationship between net worth and Self-worth. (C)
Money Workshop®II:
Continuing the work of the Money Workshop®I, the Student Learns to develop "goals" using a
Spiritual Perspective of Positive Neutrality and Inner Worth and Learns to Allow rather than
"achieve" them. The Workshop concludes with the Student's making of an individualized Tool
for ThemSelf (prerequisite: Money Workshop®I).
Dream Class:
The Student gains in the Understanding of the critical Relationship between dreams and Their
Growth - from a Spiritual Perspective; recognizes the parts of the Self that are involved in the
Process; and Learns to track Spiritual Growth, both during this Course and afterwards. (C)
Fear, Hurt, Pain And Other Attachments:
The Student learns how to live free from attachments - to people, to status, to money, to anything
that the Student is allowing to hold him/herSelf back - all of which are merely reflections of
attachments to inner emotions, feelings and thoughts. Students also Learn the critical relationship
between Living Free and Receiving what They want in life. (B)
The Teachings Class:
The Student gains a greater Understanding of The Teachings Of The Path Of Soul
Transcendence; Learns to apply the Scientific method of study for living and verifying these
Teachings and gains greater Neutrality and Freedom in Their Life The Lord, God has Given
Them. Discover deeper meaning and Purpose to your being on this earth! (C)
Everyday Evolution II:
An Intermediate level course for those who have taken Everyday Evolution I that builds upon the
Student's abilities to drop patterns and beliefs that are allowed to limit this Life The Lord, God
has Given Them; Learn to handle - without attachments to Their own agenda - what comes up in
the life; to see every situation as being there solely for Their Growth and Learning; to deal with
every situation from Positive Neutrality and to identify ThemSelf even more as the Spirit They
are (prerequisite: Everyday Evolution I). (Workshop or (C))
Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part I:
Based on the 12-part Video Series Understanding The Spirit You Are by Dr. Roger B. Lane, this
Class expounds on the Living Realities brought forward in the Video Series and assists
individuals in gaining deeper insight and applying expressed Truths on "The Power Of Choice";
"The Twin Towers of Acceptance and Gratitude"; "Living The Truth" and many more. (D)
Understanding The Spirit You Are - Part II:
Based on the 10-part Video Series Understanding The Spirit You Are by Dr. Roger B. Lane, this
Class explores The Path Of Soul Transcendence, giving both a greater Understanding of The
Path and Keys to employ The Truth in a Scientific manner. (C)
Tools For Living Free Class I:
The Student explores, in depth, the popular Educational series Tools For Living Free in areas
such as "Spiritual Economics"; "Living a Blame-less Existence"; "For-Giving YourSelf" and
many more. This Class aids Participants in investigating and Applying these many Tools to the
Lives The Lord, God has Given Them and helps Participants to Learn to Live in God-Alignment.
Tools For Living Free Class II:
Advance exploration of the popular Educational Series Tools For Living Free with Topics in
areas such as "Spiritual Economics"; "Living a Blame-less Existence"; "Practicing Positive Self-
Talk" and many more. Through the processes in this Class the Student delves deeper into the
Truth of Spirit; Applies these Truths and embarks on Their own Scientific investigation of the
Truth at hand (prerequisite: Tools For Living Free Class I). (C)
Living In Grace:
The Student Learns how to live free of duality, free of "bouncing" between negativity and Spirit.
The Student is strengthened in Surrender to the Truth of Spirit; Allowing and Receiving a life for
ThemSelf in Alignment with God's Will; and begins to Know True Joy and Peace. (B)
Survey Of Religions East And West:
The Student Learns the nature, purpose and features of the major religions of the world from a
Spiritual perspective; also sees how our lives, societies and religions have been shaped by our
relationship to God - whether or not we realize it. Come into Greater Understanding of yourSelf
as the Spirit You Are! This Class is nonsectarian; no religious background required. (C)
Understanding, Applying And Living The “Bible” Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence:
Using the “Blue” and “Red” Books, the Student explores the Framework of The Path Of Soul
Transcendence: The Purpose of Human Life and Initiation; Being an Initiate; and Living as an
Initiate and the Fulfillment of HU-man Life. (B)
The Teachings And HU-mankind Class:
The Student builds upon Their experiences of, and knowledge of, such important aspects of The
Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence as Acceptance; Inherently Worthy; Surrender; “Giraffe Consciousness”; and Grace and builds the Soul's Responsibility to do likewise. An important course in Learning to Minister to “others.” (C)
The M.A. or M.S. Student meets with Their advisor at the beginning of LEARNING
SEQUENCE 3 to discuss and to focus the Thesis. The M.A. or M.S. Student must start the
Thesis by the midpoint of this Sequence and complete by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 5.
M.Div. Students must meet with Their advisor at the beginning of LEARNING SEQUENCE 4
and begin at the midpoint and complete the Thesis by the end of LEARNING SEQUENCE 6.
All Students must demonstrate an understanding of The Teachings; a successful integration and
Application in the Student's daily life of The Teachings and Scholarship.
Attendance is a vital component of the Educational Experience at the Seminary as the Focus is on
both Scholarship and Experiential Learning. Accordingly, Students are required to attend Satsangs
(Spiritual Instructions) and Video Showings on a monthly basis and Meditations semi-monthly (twice
a month). In addition, Students are expected to actively use the Library for Audio and Video
CDs/DVDs and issues of Educational Publications such as Tools For Living Free; Students outside of
the NYC area of the Home Center are to actively use the Website. Students are also required to meet
the attendance requirements of all Classes, Workshops, Service Projects and meetings with
Advisors and with the Dean.
In this spirit in-person Attendance and Participation is required at Graduation to receive the Degree
from the Program in Which you are enrolled.
By the end of the fifth class of the last Sequence before being eligible for Graduation, each
Student needs to contact the Office of the Dean and arrange a time, upon completion of ALL
work, to sit for the Qualifying Evaluation and Interview with the Dean.
During this time together, the Student and the Dean evaluate the Student's mastery of the work
and Learning and the integration of The Teachings into Their daily life; the continued
Commitment to Same and to the Perfection of Spirit that the Student is and to The Teachings as
the Foundation of Their Life The Lord, God has Given Them. Areas that need greater fulfillment
are identified as are the Student's strength.
A determination based upon the above and a Grade Point Average in ALL work of 3.2 on a scale
of 4.0 is also made as to the Student's eligibility to graduate as per the Student's Degree
requirements, with a minimum grade of B- (2.7) in a course.
This Seminary regards the demonstration of meeting fiscal responsibilities to be an invaluable
part of the Student's Experience/Learning at the Seminary. Accordingly, fees are modest.
Please see Schedule of Fees.
(The Seminary year begins in the Fall and consists of 3 Semesters and a shorter Summer
Semester. Courses may be scheduled outside of this period.)
The Seminary believes that meeting fiscal responsibilities is an invaluable part of the Student's education. Accordingly, all fees at the Seminary are modest and must be paid according to the Commitment agreements for each Class, Workshops or Service Project as well as those for the Qualifying Evaluation and Interview with the Dean and for Graduation. To be Approved for Graduation all fiscal responsibilities need to have been met and verified by the Office of the Bursar.
Failure to adhere to the above results in an Inc. being given. If not paid by the end of the Semester in which fees accrued, the Student will receive a Failure for the Course(s),
Workshops(s) and Projects(s) or Thesis work involved. No further work can be done at the
Seminary until such Failure is removed by payment of the fees owed and repeating all failed
work, which involves fees for all work repeated.
All requests for scholarship money must be received by the Office of the Dean four weeks before
the beginning of the LEARNING or SERVICE PROJECT SEQUENCE for which you wish to
use the funds.
All requests must include the reason - other than financial - you wish to apply; the amount for
which you are applying; the work involved and what Services you are willing to provide for the
Seminary, if awarded. Please note that only those requests which contain the above are
considered and that the amount of monies offered is based upon amount available; the Student's
Commitment to the experience and the integration into daily life of The Teachings and adherence
to the Standards of the Seminary.
Application Fee: $150
All courses are $31.50 per meeting. For those enrolled in Degree-granting Program: $31
A two-meeting (week) Course (indicated by legend A) is $63.00/62.00
A five-meeting Course (indicated by legend by legend B) is $157.50/155.00 ($155.00/150.00) if
paid in full before first meeting)
A ten-meeting Course (indicted by legend C) is $315/$310 ($310/$300 if paid in full before first
The $63/$62 fee is paid before the first meeting. You may pay the fees for five- and ten-meeting
courses in full before the first class or $63/$62 before the first class and $31.50/$31.00 before
each of the second through next-to-last classes.
Service Project: $250
Thesis Supervision: $2,500.00 (To be paid with Thesis Proposal submission.)
Failure to attain a qualifying grade will necessitate an additional submission. $2,250 (if nec.
Payment is due with request to submit another Thesis.)
(Limit: 2 in total)
Student Fees:
The Seminary actively encourages the use of the Seminary to listen/view MP3s/CDs/DVDs of
The Teachings and the use of the library to borrow CDs/DVDs to increase your understanding of
The Teachings and your experience at the Seminary. In addition, the Seminary highly values the
additional Resource Tools For Living Free and provides Them generously. Accordingly:
Library Fee $0.00
Center Use Fee $0.00
Tools For Living Free Copies (back or current) $0.00
Miscellaneous Fees:
Change of Status (from Audit to Degree Program or from a Degree Program to another) $25.00
Late registration Fee $50.00
Late payment Fee $125.00
Returned Check Fee $50.00 (plus bank’s fee to Seminary)
Partial Payment Fee $25
Late Payment Fee for partial payment $125.00
Official Transcript request $8.00
Bursar's Statement request $8.00
Restoral Fees:
Fee, per semester (includes re-application fee) $425.00
Maximum fee (through four Semesters) $1,700.00
(pertains to those Students who have chosen not to be continuously enrolled in their Degree
Qualifying Interview with the Dean: $350
Evaluation and Examination. Includes Oral Defense of Thesis.
Fairlure to obtain a qualigying grade necessitates another Qualifying Interview with the Dean and fee (Limit: 2).
Graduation Fee: $140
Includes Approval of Registrar to Graduate and Diploma.
(Student is responsible for cap and gown rental).
All fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
(The Seminary year begins in the Fall and consists of 3 Semesters and a shorter Summer
Semester. Courses may be scheduled outside of this period.)
The Seminary believes that meeting fiscal responsibilities is an invaluable part of the Student's education. Accordingly, all fees at the Seminary are modest and must be paid according to the Commitment agreements for each Class, Workshops or Service Project as well as those for the Qualifying Evaluation and Interview with the Dean and for Graduation. To be Approved for Graduation all fiscal responsibilities need to have been met and verified by the Office of the Bursar.
Failure to adhere to the above results in an Inc. being given. If not paid by the end of the Semester in which fees accrued, the Student will receive a Failure for the Course(s),
Workshops(s) and Projects(s) or Thesis work involved. No further work can be done at the
Seminary until such Failure is removed by payment of the fees owed and repeating all failed
work, which involves fees for all work repeated.
All requests for scholarship money must be received by the Office of the Dean four weeks before
the beginning of the LEARNING or SERVICE PROJECT SEQUENCE for which you wish to
use the funds.
All requests must include the reason - other than financial - you wish to apply; the amount for
which you are applying; the work involved and what Services you are willing to provide for the
Seminary, if awarded. Please note that only those requests which contain the above are
considered and that the amount of monies offered is based upon amount available; the Student's
Commitment to the experience and the integration into daily life of The Teachings and adherence
to the Standards of the Seminary.
Application Fee: $150
All courses are $31.50 per meeting. For those enrolled in Degree-granting Program: $31
A two-meeting (week) Course (indicated by legend A) is $63.00/62.00
A five-meeting Course (indicated by legend by legend B) is $157.50/155.00 ($155.00/150.00) if
paid in full before first meeting)
A ten-meeting Course (indicted by legend C) is $315/$310 ($310/$300 if paid in full before first
The $63/$62 fee is paid before the first meeting. You may pay the fees for five- and ten-meeting
courses in full before the first class or $63/$62 before the first class and $31.50/$31.00 before
each of the second through next-to-last classes.
Service Project: $250
Thesis Supervision: $2,500.00 (To be paid with Thesis Proposal submission.)
Failure to attain a qualifying grade will necessitate an additional submission. $2,250 (if nec.
Payment is due with request to submit another Thesis.)
(Limit: 2 in total)
Student Fees:
The Seminary actively encourages the use of the Seminary to listen/view MP3s/CDs/DVDs of
The Teachings and the use of the library to borrow CDs/DVDs to increase your understanding of
The Teachings and your experience at the Seminary. In addition, the Seminary highly values the
additional Resource Tools For Living Free and provides Them generously. Accordingly:
Library Fee $0.00
Center Use Fee $0.00
Tools For Living Free Copies (back or current) $0.00
Miscellaneous Fees:
Change of Status (from Audit to Degree Program or from a Degree Program to another) $25.00
Late registration Fee $50.00
Late payment Fee $125.00
Returned Check Fee $50.00 (plus bank’s fee to Seminary)
Partial Payment Fee $25
Late Payment Fee for partial payment $125.00
Official Transcript request $8.00
Bursar's Statement request $8.00
Restoral Fees:
Fee, per semester (includes re-application fee) $425.00
Maximum fee (through four Semesters) $1,700.00
(pertains to those Students who have chosen not to be continuously enrolled in their Degree
Qualifying Interview with the Dean: $350
Evaluation and Examination. Includes Oral Defense of Thesis.
Fairlure to obtain a qualigying grade necessitates another Qualifying Interview with the Dean and fee (Limit: 2).
Graduation Fee: $140
Includes Approval of Registrar to Graduate and Diploma.
(Student is responsible for cap and gown rental).
All fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Contact The Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies
Seminary Division
229 East 85th St. - #1347
New York, NY 10028
Phone: (212) 828-0864 email: [email protected]
websites: and
Seminary Division
229 East 85th St. - #1347
New York, NY 10028
Phone: (212) 828-0864 email: [email protected]
websites: and