The first Wednesday of each month Dr. Roger Bruce Lane gives a live monthly Satsang (Spiritual Instruction) at the Home Center of Cosmos Tree and The Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies located in New York City. (See all previous Talks below)
Students and visitors can attend in person or via teleconference from our Regional Centers or with permission as noted below from any part of the world. Join us; we are happy to have you wherever you are! |
Attend In Person
Location: 1556 Third Avenue (btw. 87th & 88th) - Suite #204, NYC When: First Wednesday of each month Time: 6:50 pm Attend Via Teleconference Please call us at 212-828-0464 or email us at [email protected] to request permission to participate, and to receive instructions and Guidelines. If approved you will receive a telephone number and an access code. See Regional Centers or request permission to join the teleconference from outside of NY (guidelines apply) Requirements:
(PURCHASE an MP3 here)
A1 "Meditation of Gratitude"
A2 "Meditation For Health And Well-Being"
A3 "What is Loving?"
A4 "What Is Spirituality?"
A5 "You Are Worthy"
A6 "What Is The Sound Current?"
A7 "Holy Days: The Meaning Of Holidays"
A8 "What Is The Gift Of Initiation?"
A9 "Where Is God?"
A10 "What Are You Trying To Get Away With?"
A11 "The Inner Truth And Its Implications"
A12 "The Teachings In A Nutshell"
A13 "What Do You Want Out Of Life?"
A14 "Are You Giving YourSelf The Best?"
A15 "How Am I Doing?"
A16 "What Are You Waiting For?"
A17 "What Do You Think God Wants From You?"
A18 "What Do I Have To Do To Be Perfect, Lord?"
A19 "Where Do You Go To Find The Answers To All Your Questions?"
A20 "Choosing Wisely Your Creations"
A21 "Trusting God Is Trusting Yourself"
A22 "Letting Go, Letting God - Part 2"
A23 "Freedom Is Just Another Word For God"
A24 "How To Serve Humankind: A Service Manual"
A25 "Christmas: How To Be Merry"
A26 "The Best Thing You Can Do For Anyone"
A27 "Prayer: What It Is, How To Pray And How To Receive The Response"
A28 "Fear: What It Is, How To Profit From It And How To Release It"
A29 "Receiving The Lord, God: When And How?"
A30 "How Are You Treating Your Fellow Human Beings?"
A31 "God’s Will: Will You or Won’t You?"
A32 "Have You Given Yourself The Time of Day?"
A33 "Trusting Yourself: A How-To Manual"
A34 "Acceptance: The Key To Your Heart"
A35 "Peace: As Above, So Below"
A36 "What Is God’s Will For You?"
A37 "What Is 'Twaji'?"
A38 "What Are Your Experiences Telling You"
A39 "Is Your A/C Always On?"
A40 "What Is 'Tisra Til'?"
A41 "Who’s In Your Kitchen?"
A42 "Applying The Message Of The Season"
A43 "How To Do With Nothing Due"
A44 "You Have God’s Word"
A45 "What Are You Reacting To Today?"
A46 "God Is The Answer To ALL Your Prayers"
A47 "Patience: Its Importance And Care"
A48 "Why Is God Hidden?"
A49 "How Do You Approach God?"
A50 "Success: What It Is, How To Measure It, How To Live It"
A51 "The Love of God, The God of Love?"
A52 "How About Now?"
A53 "Give - Then Give Some More"
A54 "Have You KISSed Yourself Today?"
A55 "How To Have A Happy New Ear"
A56 "Where Is God? - Part 2"
A57 "Where Are You?"
A58 "Who's The Boss?"
A59 "Are You Being Generous?"
A60 "What Are You Worrying About?"
A61 "What Is Humankind’s Karma?"
A62 "What Kind Of Access To Spirit Do You Have?"
A63 "Are You Really Accepting The Spiritual Guidance You Receive?"
A64 "The Uniate Nature Of Reality"
A65 "Excuse Me, What Did You Say Your Excuse Was?"
A66 "What Is The Real Enemy Of The People?"
A67 "Does God Really Love Me Even Though I Have A Lot Of Karma?"
A68 "Are You Fearing And Tearing Or Caring And Sharing?"
A69 "Your Story: The Story Of Rumaldo"
A70 "Are You Empty Or Full Of It?"
A71 "The Forbidden Secret of Human Life"
A72 "Freedom: Upon Which Syllable Are You Focused?"
A73 "Confusion: How, Why And The 'Solution'"
A74 "Do You Really Know That You Are An Extraterrestrial?"
A75 "What Have You Bought And Are You Still Paying For It?"
A76 "Are You Pulling The Wool Over Your Eye?"
A77 "What Is Your Next Step?"
A78 "The Winner Is!"
A79 "Where Are You Running? Why Are You Running? What If You Trip And Fall?"
A80 "What Is 'Love'"?
A81 "Would You Like Another Drop Of Honey?"
A82 "The 'Democratization' of God’s Consciousness And You"
A83 "The 'Democratization' of God’s Consciousness – Part II: Are You Exercising Your Right To Vote?"
A84 "The 'Democratization' of God’s Consciousness – Part III: Equality"
A85 "The 'Democratization' of God’s Consciousness – Part IV: Implication, Dedication, and Prescription"
A86 "'Exactly': What’s The Point?"
A87 "What Does 'Jesus The Nazarene' Mean?: Meaning And Application"
A88 "Various And Sundry Topics"
A89 "The Spiritual Reality Of Mankind"
A90 "The Spiritual Reality Of Mankind – Part II: The Six-Pointed North Star Of Human Destiny"
A91 "Three Qualities Of The Lord, God That Begin With An 'I'"
A92 "What Is The Bottom Line? – Part II: Are You In Line Or Are You Lined Up?"
A93 “Speaking Your Mind: Mindless Chatter Or Are You Out Of Your Mind?”
A94 “The REAL Bill Of Rights”
A95 “The Five Commandments Of Love”
A96 “The Predominant Emotion On This Planet”
A97 “Family ‘Problems’: Why And How”
A98 “Are You A Victim Of ‘Victimhood’?”
A99 “Are You Learning Your ABC’s Or ABG’s”
A100 “The Predominant Emotion On The Planet - Part II: The Mask Of Anger And The Face Underneath"
A101 "Loving The Teacher IS Loving The Lord, God"
A102 "Are You 'TAR' And Feathering YourSelf?"
A103 "Are You Ready To Worry About Having Nothing To Worry About?: A Participatory Satsang"
A104 "Relatives & Relationships: Relatives To Whats? - A Participatory Satsang"
A105 "What Is Your Level Of Participation?: A Participatory Satsang"
A106 "When You Do The Math 'What Does Loving God =?': A Participatory Satsang"
A107 "Your Reflexes - You 'Nervous System' Indicator: A Participatory Satsang"
A108 "Are You Willing To Take 'No' From Spirit?: A Participatory Satsang"
A109 "Eternal Vigilance: Are You Practicing What You Know Or Are You 'Knowing' That It's Practice?"
A110 "Are your Working The Truth Or Is It, In Truth, Just 'Work'?"
A111 "Are Your Wading In Or Are Your Waiting For The Waters Of Life?"
A112 "What Are Your Values And How Valuable Are You?: A Participatory Satsang"
A113 "Are You Reving?: A Participatory Satsang"
A114 "What Are You Doing In The Rest Of Your Life?: A Participatory Satsang"
A115 "Do You Have The Dropsies?: A Participatory Satsang"
A116 "'Right' vs. 'Wrong': The Boxing Match You've Already Lost - A Participatory Satsang”
A117 “Is Your ‘Whatever’ Your Lever?: A Participatory Satsang"
A118 “What Is Most Difficult For Human Beings To Accept?: A Participatory Satsang"
A119 “What Does ‘The Physical Resurrection Of The Dead’ Mean?: A Participatory Satsang”
A120 “The Myth Of Reality: A Participatory Satsang"
A121 “Are You Picking And Choosing Or Have You Chosen?: A Participatory Satsang"
A122 “Have You Lined Up All Your Ducks In A Row? Good. Now Duck: A Participatory Satsang"
A123 “Truth Sayer Or Truth Slayer: To Be Or Not To Be?: A Participatory Satsang"
A124 “Letting Go, Letting God – Part III: A Participatory Satsang"
A125 “Are You Kidding Me?: A Participatory Satsang"
A126 “Whom Should I Blame Today?: A Participatory Satsang"
A127 “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall- Did I Really Create It All?: A Participatory Satsang"
A128 “Beyond The Mirror: The Reality Of Humankind And The Power Of Choice: A Participatory Satsang"
A129 “The Only Question For Every Inner Or Outer Situation: A Participatory Satsang"
A130 “'Death' And Pride: A Participatory Satsang"
A131 “The Predominant Thought On This Planet: A Participatory Satsang"
A132 “The Teachings: Are You Allowing Them? - A Participatory Satsang"
A133 “The Truth, Five Saboteurs, A Con Man And You: A Participatory Satsang"
A134 “How To Be An 'A' Student In All Areas Of Your Life: A Participatory Satsang"
A135 “The Teacher: With You, Instead Of You Or Excluded By You? - A Participatory Satsang"
A136 “Dear God – Do I Really Have To Get My Hands Dirty?: A Participatory Sanstang"
A137 “Are You Keeping It REAL: A Participatory Satsang"
A138 “Fear Upon The Waters: Walking Across - A Participatory Satsang"
A139 “The Real Economic Crisis: A Participatory Satsang"
A140 “The Humility To Be A Student: A Participatory Satsang”
A141 “Are You 'Down And Out'?: A Participatory Satsang”
A142 “The New Paradigm For The Lower Self: Loving Cooperation - A Participatory Satsang”
A143 “What Are You Looking For? Why? What Happens When You Find It?: A Participatory Satsang”
A144 “For What Are You Arguing? Who 'Loses' If You 'Win'?: A Participatory Satsang”
A145 "A New Model For The 'Business' Of Life: A Participatory Satsang"
A146 “Are You Saying What You Mean And Meaning What You Say?: A Participatory Satsang”
A147 “Memories: Of The Mind Or Of The Soul? - A Participatory Satsang”
A148 “See The Lord, God In All Things: A Participatory Satsang”
A149 “Willfulness: Is Your Inheritance Better Than That From The Lord, God? – A Participatory Satsang”
A150 “Overshadowing: Do You Mind? – A Participatory Satsang”
A151 “Practicing The 3 ‘L’s’ When Working With Your Teacher: A Participatory Satsang”
A152 "Are You In A Loving Relationship With The Lord, God?: A Participatory Satsang"
A153 "Technology For The Ages: A Participatory Satsang"
A154 "How Was Your Reception?: A Participatory Satsang"
A155 "How Do You Achieve 'Spiritual Success'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A156 "'O, God, Why Am I In Such Pain?': A Participatory Satsang"
A157 "How Am I Doing?: Criticism Or Jumping-Off Point? - A Participatory Satsang"
A158 "'What Business Are You In?' 'How's Business?' 'Are You Taking Care Of Business?': A Participatory Satsang”
A159 “Are You Waiting For Rigor Mortis Or Are You Applying The Teachings Rigorously?: A Participatory Satsang”
A160 “I Wish You A.... : A Participatory Satsang”
A161 “Are You Facing A 'Challenge'? Change Your Lens!: A Participatory Satsang”
A162 “'Success' – Part II: A Participatory Satsang”
A163 “Are You Stuck?: Do You Need A Tow Truck? Crowbar? Or God? - A Participatory Satsang”
A164 "What Do I Do If It Happens Again?: A Participatory Satsang"
A165 “What's Your 'Problem'? A: 'Same As Yours' - A Participatory Satsang"
A166 "The Supreme Importance Of A Simple Preposition: A Participatory Satsang"
A167 "The Problem Of 'Evil' In The World And Its Solution: A Participatory Satsang"
A168 "'Thinking Outside The Box': A How-to Manual - A Participatory Satsang"
A169 "How Are Your Investments Doing? - A Participatory Satsang"
A170 "Are You Living In 3D?: A Participatory Satsang"
A171 "What Does 'Living Under Grace' Mean? - A Participatory Satsang"
A172 “Are You For Real?: A Participatory Satsang”
A173 "Are You Strong Enough To Be 'Weak'?:A Participatory Satsang"
A174 "Is Your 'Situation' Situational?: A Participatory Satsang"
A175 "That's A Wonder-full Idea! What Are You Doing About It?: A Participatory Satsang
A176 "Small-mindedness: It Boggles The Mind - A Participatory Satsang"
A177 "What Is Mental Health?: A Participatory Satsang"
A178 "The Polar Bear Myth - A Participatory Satsang"
A179 "What Does The 'Future' Hold? - A Participatory Satsang A180 "The Polar Bear Myth - Part II: How To Handle The 'Bluh's - A Participatory Satsang"
A181 "Are You Listening Or Listing? - A Participatory Satsang" A182 "There Is Only God! What About Me?
- A Participatory Satsang"
A183 "Are You Lined Up Or Are You Reading The Liner Notes?: A Participatory Satsang"
A184 "The Lord, God Is An Opportunist. Are You?: A Participatory Satsang"
A185 "The Alpha And Omega Of Each Day: A Participatory Satsang"
A186 "How To Be A Scientist On The Path Of Soul Transcendence: A Participatory Satsang"
A187 "Are You Doing Your Part Or Setting YourSelf Apart?: A Participatory Satsang"
A188 "The 'Wild' Turkey Phenomenon: A Participatory Satsang" A189 "Applied Mathematics: The Sum Total Of Your Sorrows, Fears And Worry - A Participatory Satsang"
A190 "Applied Logistics: Where Are Your Values? - A Participatory Satsang"
A191 "Applied Geography: An Inside Job - A Participatory Satsang"
A192 "The Real Internal Revenue Service: Having The Lien Released – A Participatory Satsang”
A193 "Terrorism: Does It Have Your Name On It? - A Participatory Satsang"
A194 "Why Am I Soooo Alone, God? Oh, That's Why?: A Participatory Satsang"
A195 "Are You Blaming It On The Bossa Nova? The President? Your Basics?: A Participatory Satsang"
A196 "Im Dreaming Of...?: A Participatory Satsang"
A197 "What Is Commitment On The Path Of Soul Transcendence?: A Participatory Satsang"
A198 "'Thank You': Code For 'Hello' Or 'Goodbye' To Opportunity? - A Participatory Satsang"
A199 “The Teacher’s Correction: ‘Right’ Vs. ‘Wrong’ Or Perfection? – A Participatory Satsang”
A200 "What Time Is It?: A Participatory Satsang"
A201 "Oh, Dear God, Do You See Me?: A Participatory Satsang"
A202 "What Is The Cure For 'Loneliness'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A203 "What Does It Mean To Be 'Neutral'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A204 "Abandonment: The Bane Of Existence - A Participatory Satsang"
A205 "What Are You Really Doing?: A Participatory Satsang"
A206 "What Are 'Lines Of Energy'?: Are You In Line Or Are You Lined Up? - A Participatory Satsang"
A207 "Consistency: Of What Does Yours Consist? - A Participatory Satsang"
A208 "How To Receive: A Participatory Satsang"
A209 "Are You Living Your KNOWING?: Yes Or No - A Participatory Satsang"
A210 "'Death' And Its Unveiling: A Participatory Satsang"
A211 "Companionship: Sinking The Ship? Stinking Up The Ship? Steering The Ship? - A Participatory Satsang"
A212 "What Is Your Level Of Caring? What Is Your Level Of Sharing?: A Participatory Satsang"
A213 "Are Your Rationalizations Rational?: A Participatory Satsang"
214 "Do You Know And Are You Completely Committed To The Other Half Of The Mandate To 'Question Authority'?: A Participatory Satsang"
215 "Are You self-Serving Or Serving The Self?: A Participatory Satsang"
A216 "Whom? What? When? Does The Spiritual Warrior Fight?: A Participatory Satsang"
A217 "The Drama In Your Life: Flair, Fair Or Hot Air?: A Participatory Satsang"
A218 "Levels Of Responsibility: A Participatory Satsang"
A219 "The Story Of The Tuna Fish Sandwich: A Participatory Satsang"
A220 "Do You Know Where Your 'Worry-Free Zone' Is?: A Participatory Satsang"
A221 "Sharing: A How To Manual - A Participatory Satsang"
A222 "The Immediacy Of Spirit: A Participatory Satsang"
A223 "Heirloom: Gold Or Another Tomato? A Participatory Satsang"
A224 "Reference Points: Past, Future Or Opportunity?- A Participatory Satsang"
A225 "Are You Saying 'Aye, Aye' To Spirit Or Are You Doing Your 'II's'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A226 "Application Of The Teachings: Waiting In Line At The DMV Or Being On Point? - A Participatory Satsang"
A227 "Spiritual Discernment: Stern? Discrimination? Or Divine? - A Participatory Satsang"
A228 "How Is Your 'Immune System'?: Raging? Caged In? In Tune? - A Participatory Satsang"
A229 "Your Relationship To The Lord, God: Running, Cunning, Dunning Or Sunning? - A Participatory Satsang"
A230 "For Whom Are You Getting Dressed?: A Participatory Satsang"
A231 "'Are You Serious?': Is It A Joke? A Truism? The Truth? - A Participatory Satsang"
A232 "'Where Do You Go To Be Fully Satisfied?: A Participatory Satsang"
A233 "'Begin The Beguine': A How-To Manual - A Participatory Satsang"
A234 "How To Relate To The World: Deny, Rely Or Sanctify? - A Participatory Satsang"
A235 "Courage: Porridge, Boorish Or Flourish? - A Participatory Satsang"
A236 "Courage: Porridge, Boorish Or Flourish? - Part II: A Participatory Satsang"
A237 "The Escalator Phenomenon: Moving Along In Loving Cooperation - A Participatory Satsang"
A238 "Overwhelmed: Who's At The Helm? - A Participatory Satsang"
A239 "How To LEARN: A Participatory Satsang"
A240 "How To Handle Floods: A Participatory Satsang"
A241 "Are You An Environmentalist?: A Participatory Satsang"
A242 "You As Playwright: Puppet Show? Being Played? Divine? - A Participatory Satsang."
A243 "The Guru And The Beggar: A Participatory Satsang."
A244 "How Do I Stop My Friend From Creating More Karma?: A Participatory Satsang."
A245 "Ignorance As Wisdom: The Master's Mastery - A Participatory Satsang."
A246 "Co-operation: Disempowerment? Discordant? Alignment? - A Participatory Satsang."
A247 "Is Your "Everydayness' Humdrum? Humming? Flat? - A Participatory Satsang."
A248 "For What Is The Lord, God Waiting? - A Participatory Satsang."
A249 "God's Grace & Protection: The Story Of The Guru, The Store's Cashier & Its Customers - A Participatory Satsang."
A250 "The Sound Current: Real Identity Politics."
A251 "Ignorance's Cost: A Participatory Satsang."
A252 "The Humility Of Acceptance: A Participatory Satsang."
A253 "Pride: Of Lions? A Ride Downhill? An Opportunity? - A Participatory Satsang."
A254 "Patience: Stand Pat? Get A Patent? Start A Pattern? - A Participatory Satsang."
A255 "Untitled"
A256 "LOVE-ING: Active? Passive? Inactive? Needs Practice - A Participatory Satsang"
A257 "Where Is 'The Secret Place Of The Most High'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A258 "The Teacher, The Mirror And You: A Participatory Satsang"
A259 "What Is Your Narrative Telling You: A Participatory Satsang"
A260 "The Feast: A Restaurant, Its Employee, A Child And A Door - A Paticipatory Satsang"
A261 "Are You 'In Depend 'N' See'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A262 "The Cure For The 'Same Old, Same Old' - A Participatory Satsang"
A263 "When Is 'Enough' Enough?: A Participate Satsang"
A264 "Are You Hot And Bothered? Good. Now Go To The 'Clear, Cold North Country': A Participatory Satsang"
A265 "The Forbidden Truth You Already Possess: Guilty? Possessed? On Point? - A Participatory Satsang"
A266 "What Time Is It?: A Participatory Satsang"
A267 "What Is The Situation: Victim? Tune Out? Opportunity? - A Participatory Satsang"
A268 "The Blessing Of Being In The Material World: A Participatory Satsang"
A269 "Co-Creation For The New Year: A Participatory Satsang"
A270 "Who's Your Walking Partner?" A Participatory Satsang"
A271 "A Rare Question-And-Answer Satsang"
A272 "DIS-EASE: Creation? Creative? Conclusion?: A Participatory Satsang
A273 "The Alchemy Of 'Defeat': A Participatory Satsang"
A274 "The Inner Environmentalist: A Participatory Satsang"
A275 "Are You Catching The Vibe?: A Participatory Satsang"
A276 "Where To Go With Our Throughts And Feelings: A Participatory Satsang"
A277 "What Was I Thinking?: Stinking? Sinking? Unblinking? - A Participatory Satsang"
A278 "How Are Your Interpretation Skills?: Inverted? Misguided? Truthful? - A Participatory Satsang"
A279 "Compassion: Passion? Judgement? Love And Acceptance? - A Participatory Satsang"
A280 "Hey, Good Looking!: For What Are You Looking? Why Are You Looking? Where Are You Looking? Are You Focused On Looking? - A Participatory Satsang"
A281 "How Are You Feeling About Your Feelings: Foe? Weapon? Opportunity? Reality? - A Participatory Satsang
A282 "Are You Current?: A Participatory Satsang"
A283 "More On God's Will: A Participatory Satsang"
A284 "'Effort' On The Path Of Soul Transcendence: What Can You Afford? - A Participatory Satsang"
A285 "Trust: What Are You Trusting? - A Participatory Satsang"
A286 "Listening: The Opportunity Of The Ear - A Participatory Satsang"
A287 "What Are You Professing?: A Participatory Satsang"
A288 "What Are You Protesting?: A Participatory Satsang"
A289 "What Are You Confessing?: A Participatory Satsang"
A290 "Equality And Equity In The Sound Current"
A291 "Location! Location! Location!: A Participatory Satsang"
A292 "A Rare Q&A"
A293 "Behind The Screen Of Anger: A Participatory Satsang"
A294 "God's Time: Never? Perfect Timing? - A Participatory Satsang
A295 "Living 'Inside Out' - A Participatory Satsang"
A296 "A Few More Words About 'The Teachings In A Word': A Participatory Satsang"
A297 "What Is "Hesychasm'?: A Chasm? A Spasm? A Permanent Focus?"
A298 "Do You Know You Are An 'Awe-Full' Person?: A Participatory Satsang"
A299 "How Do You Hold The Light?: A Participatory Satsang"
A300 "What Is Perfection? Where Is Perfection? How Do I Regain Perfection?: A Participatory Satsang"
A301 "From What Direction Are You Responding To The Opportunity Called Life That You Have Been Given?: A Participatory Satsang"
A302 "Are You Being Steadfast?: A Participatory Satsang"
A303 "Are You Paying A Withholding Tax?: A Participatory Satsang"
A304 "Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Fairest Of Them All?: A Participatory Satsang"
A305 "Acceptance: Are You Applying It Equally? - A Participatory Satsang"
A306 "Shame And Guilt And Proper Identification: A Participatory Satsang"
A307 "Do You Hear Me?: How To Really Listen - A Participatory Satsang"
A308 "What Is Simultaneous Awareness? - A Participatory Satsang"
A309 "Do You REALLY Want To Learn? - A Participatory Satsang"
A310 "Living The Guidelines: Inexpedient? Impositional? Actualization? - A Participatory Satsang"
A311 "I Don't Want To Be Here': Flee? Be? Missing Words? - A Participatory Satsang"
A2 "Meditation For Health And Well-Being"
A3 "What is Loving?"
A4 "What Is Spirituality?"
A5 "You Are Worthy"
A6 "What Is The Sound Current?"
A7 "Holy Days: The Meaning Of Holidays"
A8 "What Is The Gift Of Initiation?"
A9 "Where Is God?"
A10 "What Are You Trying To Get Away With?"
A11 "The Inner Truth And Its Implications"
A12 "The Teachings In A Nutshell"
A13 "What Do You Want Out Of Life?"
A14 "Are You Giving YourSelf The Best?"
A15 "How Am I Doing?"
A16 "What Are You Waiting For?"
A17 "What Do You Think God Wants From You?"
A18 "What Do I Have To Do To Be Perfect, Lord?"
A19 "Where Do You Go To Find The Answers To All Your Questions?"
A20 "Choosing Wisely Your Creations"
A21 "Trusting God Is Trusting Yourself"
A22 "Letting Go, Letting God - Part 2"
A23 "Freedom Is Just Another Word For God"
A24 "How To Serve Humankind: A Service Manual"
A25 "Christmas: How To Be Merry"
A26 "The Best Thing You Can Do For Anyone"
A27 "Prayer: What It Is, How To Pray And How To Receive The Response"
A28 "Fear: What It Is, How To Profit From It And How To Release It"
A29 "Receiving The Lord, God: When And How?"
A30 "How Are You Treating Your Fellow Human Beings?"
A31 "God’s Will: Will You or Won’t You?"
A32 "Have You Given Yourself The Time of Day?"
A33 "Trusting Yourself: A How-To Manual"
A34 "Acceptance: The Key To Your Heart"
A35 "Peace: As Above, So Below"
A36 "What Is God’s Will For You?"
A37 "What Is 'Twaji'?"
A38 "What Are Your Experiences Telling You"
A39 "Is Your A/C Always On?"
A40 "What Is 'Tisra Til'?"
A41 "Who’s In Your Kitchen?"
A42 "Applying The Message Of The Season"
A43 "How To Do With Nothing Due"
A44 "You Have God’s Word"
A45 "What Are You Reacting To Today?"
A46 "God Is The Answer To ALL Your Prayers"
A47 "Patience: Its Importance And Care"
A48 "Why Is God Hidden?"
A49 "How Do You Approach God?"
A50 "Success: What It Is, How To Measure It, How To Live It"
A51 "The Love of God, The God of Love?"
A52 "How About Now?"
A53 "Give - Then Give Some More"
A54 "Have You KISSed Yourself Today?"
A55 "How To Have A Happy New Ear"
A56 "Where Is God? - Part 2"
A57 "Where Are You?"
A58 "Who's The Boss?"
A59 "Are You Being Generous?"
A60 "What Are You Worrying About?"
A61 "What Is Humankind’s Karma?"
A62 "What Kind Of Access To Spirit Do You Have?"
A63 "Are You Really Accepting The Spiritual Guidance You Receive?"
A64 "The Uniate Nature Of Reality"
A65 "Excuse Me, What Did You Say Your Excuse Was?"
A66 "What Is The Real Enemy Of The People?"
A67 "Does God Really Love Me Even Though I Have A Lot Of Karma?"
A68 "Are You Fearing And Tearing Or Caring And Sharing?"
A69 "Your Story: The Story Of Rumaldo"
A70 "Are You Empty Or Full Of It?"
A71 "The Forbidden Secret of Human Life"
A72 "Freedom: Upon Which Syllable Are You Focused?"
A73 "Confusion: How, Why And The 'Solution'"
A74 "Do You Really Know That You Are An Extraterrestrial?"
A75 "What Have You Bought And Are You Still Paying For It?"
A76 "Are You Pulling The Wool Over Your Eye?"
A77 "What Is Your Next Step?"
A78 "The Winner Is!"
A79 "Where Are You Running? Why Are You Running? What If You Trip And Fall?"
A80 "What Is 'Love'"?
A81 "Would You Like Another Drop Of Honey?"
A82 "The 'Democratization' of God’s Consciousness And You"
A83 "The 'Democratization' of God’s Consciousness – Part II: Are You Exercising Your Right To Vote?"
A84 "The 'Democratization' of God’s Consciousness – Part III: Equality"
A85 "The 'Democratization' of God’s Consciousness – Part IV: Implication, Dedication, and Prescription"
A86 "'Exactly': What’s The Point?"
A87 "What Does 'Jesus The Nazarene' Mean?: Meaning And Application"
A88 "Various And Sundry Topics"
A89 "The Spiritual Reality Of Mankind"
A90 "The Spiritual Reality Of Mankind – Part II: The Six-Pointed North Star Of Human Destiny"
A91 "Three Qualities Of The Lord, God That Begin With An 'I'"
A92 "What Is The Bottom Line? – Part II: Are You In Line Or Are You Lined Up?"
A93 “Speaking Your Mind: Mindless Chatter Or Are You Out Of Your Mind?”
A94 “The REAL Bill Of Rights”
A95 “The Five Commandments Of Love”
A96 “The Predominant Emotion On This Planet”
A97 “Family ‘Problems’: Why And How”
A98 “Are You A Victim Of ‘Victimhood’?”
A99 “Are You Learning Your ABC’s Or ABG’s”
A100 “The Predominant Emotion On The Planet - Part II: The Mask Of Anger And The Face Underneath"
A101 "Loving The Teacher IS Loving The Lord, God"
A102 "Are You 'TAR' And Feathering YourSelf?"
A103 "Are You Ready To Worry About Having Nothing To Worry About?: A Participatory Satsang"
A104 "Relatives & Relationships: Relatives To Whats? - A Participatory Satsang"
A105 "What Is Your Level Of Participation?: A Participatory Satsang"
A106 "When You Do The Math 'What Does Loving God =?': A Participatory Satsang"
A107 "Your Reflexes - You 'Nervous System' Indicator: A Participatory Satsang"
A108 "Are You Willing To Take 'No' From Spirit?: A Participatory Satsang"
A109 "Eternal Vigilance: Are You Practicing What You Know Or Are You 'Knowing' That It's Practice?"
A110 "Are your Working The Truth Or Is It, In Truth, Just 'Work'?"
A111 "Are Your Wading In Or Are Your Waiting For The Waters Of Life?"
A112 "What Are Your Values And How Valuable Are You?: A Participatory Satsang"
A113 "Are You Reving?: A Participatory Satsang"
A114 "What Are You Doing In The Rest Of Your Life?: A Participatory Satsang"
A115 "Do You Have The Dropsies?: A Participatory Satsang"
A116 "'Right' vs. 'Wrong': The Boxing Match You've Already Lost - A Participatory Satsang”
A117 “Is Your ‘Whatever’ Your Lever?: A Participatory Satsang"
A118 “What Is Most Difficult For Human Beings To Accept?: A Participatory Satsang"
A119 “What Does ‘The Physical Resurrection Of The Dead’ Mean?: A Participatory Satsang”
A120 “The Myth Of Reality: A Participatory Satsang"
A121 “Are You Picking And Choosing Or Have You Chosen?: A Participatory Satsang"
A122 “Have You Lined Up All Your Ducks In A Row? Good. Now Duck: A Participatory Satsang"
A123 “Truth Sayer Or Truth Slayer: To Be Or Not To Be?: A Participatory Satsang"
A124 “Letting Go, Letting God – Part III: A Participatory Satsang"
A125 “Are You Kidding Me?: A Participatory Satsang"
A126 “Whom Should I Blame Today?: A Participatory Satsang"
A127 “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall- Did I Really Create It All?: A Participatory Satsang"
A128 “Beyond The Mirror: The Reality Of Humankind And The Power Of Choice: A Participatory Satsang"
A129 “The Only Question For Every Inner Or Outer Situation: A Participatory Satsang"
A130 “'Death' And Pride: A Participatory Satsang"
A131 “The Predominant Thought On This Planet: A Participatory Satsang"
A132 “The Teachings: Are You Allowing Them? - A Participatory Satsang"
A133 “The Truth, Five Saboteurs, A Con Man And You: A Participatory Satsang"
A134 “How To Be An 'A' Student In All Areas Of Your Life: A Participatory Satsang"
A135 “The Teacher: With You, Instead Of You Or Excluded By You? - A Participatory Satsang"
A136 “Dear God – Do I Really Have To Get My Hands Dirty?: A Participatory Sanstang"
A137 “Are You Keeping It REAL: A Participatory Satsang"
A138 “Fear Upon The Waters: Walking Across - A Participatory Satsang"
A139 “The Real Economic Crisis: A Participatory Satsang"
A140 “The Humility To Be A Student: A Participatory Satsang”
A141 “Are You 'Down And Out'?: A Participatory Satsang”
A142 “The New Paradigm For The Lower Self: Loving Cooperation - A Participatory Satsang”
A143 “What Are You Looking For? Why? What Happens When You Find It?: A Participatory Satsang”
A144 “For What Are You Arguing? Who 'Loses' If You 'Win'?: A Participatory Satsang”
A145 "A New Model For The 'Business' Of Life: A Participatory Satsang"
A146 “Are You Saying What You Mean And Meaning What You Say?: A Participatory Satsang”
A147 “Memories: Of The Mind Or Of The Soul? - A Participatory Satsang”
A148 “See The Lord, God In All Things: A Participatory Satsang”
A149 “Willfulness: Is Your Inheritance Better Than That From The Lord, God? – A Participatory Satsang”
A150 “Overshadowing: Do You Mind? – A Participatory Satsang”
A151 “Practicing The 3 ‘L’s’ When Working With Your Teacher: A Participatory Satsang”
A152 "Are You In A Loving Relationship With The Lord, God?: A Participatory Satsang"
A153 "Technology For The Ages: A Participatory Satsang"
A154 "How Was Your Reception?: A Participatory Satsang"
A155 "How Do You Achieve 'Spiritual Success'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A156 "'O, God, Why Am I In Such Pain?': A Participatory Satsang"
A157 "How Am I Doing?: Criticism Or Jumping-Off Point? - A Participatory Satsang"
A158 "'What Business Are You In?' 'How's Business?' 'Are You Taking Care Of Business?': A Participatory Satsang”
A159 “Are You Waiting For Rigor Mortis Or Are You Applying The Teachings Rigorously?: A Participatory Satsang”
A160 “I Wish You A.... : A Participatory Satsang”
A161 “Are You Facing A 'Challenge'? Change Your Lens!: A Participatory Satsang”
A162 “'Success' – Part II: A Participatory Satsang”
A163 “Are You Stuck?: Do You Need A Tow Truck? Crowbar? Or God? - A Participatory Satsang”
A164 "What Do I Do If It Happens Again?: A Participatory Satsang"
A165 “What's Your 'Problem'? A: 'Same As Yours' - A Participatory Satsang"
A166 "The Supreme Importance Of A Simple Preposition: A Participatory Satsang"
A167 "The Problem Of 'Evil' In The World And Its Solution: A Participatory Satsang"
A168 "'Thinking Outside The Box': A How-to Manual - A Participatory Satsang"
A169 "How Are Your Investments Doing? - A Participatory Satsang"
A170 "Are You Living In 3D?: A Participatory Satsang"
A171 "What Does 'Living Under Grace' Mean? - A Participatory Satsang"
A172 “Are You For Real?: A Participatory Satsang”
A173 "Are You Strong Enough To Be 'Weak'?:A Participatory Satsang"
A174 "Is Your 'Situation' Situational?: A Participatory Satsang"
A175 "That's A Wonder-full Idea! What Are You Doing About It?: A Participatory Satsang
A176 "Small-mindedness: It Boggles The Mind - A Participatory Satsang"
A177 "What Is Mental Health?: A Participatory Satsang"
A178 "The Polar Bear Myth - A Participatory Satsang"
A179 "What Does The 'Future' Hold? - A Participatory Satsang A180 "The Polar Bear Myth - Part II: How To Handle The 'Bluh's - A Participatory Satsang"
A181 "Are You Listening Or Listing? - A Participatory Satsang" A182 "There Is Only God! What About Me?
- A Participatory Satsang"
A183 "Are You Lined Up Or Are You Reading The Liner Notes?: A Participatory Satsang"
A184 "The Lord, God Is An Opportunist. Are You?: A Participatory Satsang"
A185 "The Alpha And Omega Of Each Day: A Participatory Satsang"
A186 "How To Be A Scientist On The Path Of Soul Transcendence: A Participatory Satsang"
A187 "Are You Doing Your Part Or Setting YourSelf Apart?: A Participatory Satsang"
A188 "The 'Wild' Turkey Phenomenon: A Participatory Satsang" A189 "Applied Mathematics: The Sum Total Of Your Sorrows, Fears And Worry - A Participatory Satsang"
A190 "Applied Logistics: Where Are Your Values? - A Participatory Satsang"
A191 "Applied Geography: An Inside Job - A Participatory Satsang"
A192 "The Real Internal Revenue Service: Having The Lien Released – A Participatory Satsang”
A193 "Terrorism: Does It Have Your Name On It? - A Participatory Satsang"
A194 "Why Am I Soooo Alone, God? Oh, That's Why?: A Participatory Satsang"
A195 "Are You Blaming It On The Bossa Nova? The President? Your Basics?: A Participatory Satsang"
A196 "Im Dreaming Of...?: A Participatory Satsang"
A197 "What Is Commitment On The Path Of Soul Transcendence?: A Participatory Satsang"
A198 "'Thank You': Code For 'Hello' Or 'Goodbye' To Opportunity? - A Participatory Satsang"
A199 “The Teacher’s Correction: ‘Right’ Vs. ‘Wrong’ Or Perfection? – A Participatory Satsang”
A200 "What Time Is It?: A Participatory Satsang"
A201 "Oh, Dear God, Do You See Me?: A Participatory Satsang"
A202 "What Is The Cure For 'Loneliness'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A203 "What Does It Mean To Be 'Neutral'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A204 "Abandonment: The Bane Of Existence - A Participatory Satsang"
A205 "What Are You Really Doing?: A Participatory Satsang"
A206 "What Are 'Lines Of Energy'?: Are You In Line Or Are You Lined Up? - A Participatory Satsang"
A207 "Consistency: Of What Does Yours Consist? - A Participatory Satsang"
A208 "How To Receive: A Participatory Satsang"
A209 "Are You Living Your KNOWING?: Yes Or No - A Participatory Satsang"
A210 "'Death' And Its Unveiling: A Participatory Satsang"
A211 "Companionship: Sinking The Ship? Stinking Up The Ship? Steering The Ship? - A Participatory Satsang"
A212 "What Is Your Level Of Caring? What Is Your Level Of Sharing?: A Participatory Satsang"
A213 "Are Your Rationalizations Rational?: A Participatory Satsang"
214 "Do You Know And Are You Completely Committed To The Other Half Of The Mandate To 'Question Authority'?: A Participatory Satsang"
215 "Are You self-Serving Or Serving The Self?: A Participatory Satsang"
A216 "Whom? What? When? Does The Spiritual Warrior Fight?: A Participatory Satsang"
A217 "The Drama In Your Life: Flair, Fair Or Hot Air?: A Participatory Satsang"
A218 "Levels Of Responsibility: A Participatory Satsang"
A219 "The Story Of The Tuna Fish Sandwich: A Participatory Satsang"
A220 "Do You Know Where Your 'Worry-Free Zone' Is?: A Participatory Satsang"
A221 "Sharing: A How To Manual - A Participatory Satsang"
A222 "The Immediacy Of Spirit: A Participatory Satsang"
A223 "Heirloom: Gold Or Another Tomato? A Participatory Satsang"
A224 "Reference Points: Past, Future Or Opportunity?- A Participatory Satsang"
A225 "Are You Saying 'Aye, Aye' To Spirit Or Are You Doing Your 'II's'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A226 "Application Of The Teachings: Waiting In Line At The DMV Or Being On Point? - A Participatory Satsang"
A227 "Spiritual Discernment: Stern? Discrimination? Or Divine? - A Participatory Satsang"
A228 "How Is Your 'Immune System'?: Raging? Caged In? In Tune? - A Participatory Satsang"
A229 "Your Relationship To The Lord, God: Running, Cunning, Dunning Or Sunning? - A Participatory Satsang"
A230 "For Whom Are You Getting Dressed?: A Participatory Satsang"
A231 "'Are You Serious?': Is It A Joke? A Truism? The Truth? - A Participatory Satsang"
A232 "'Where Do You Go To Be Fully Satisfied?: A Participatory Satsang"
A233 "'Begin The Beguine': A How-To Manual - A Participatory Satsang"
A234 "How To Relate To The World: Deny, Rely Or Sanctify? - A Participatory Satsang"
A235 "Courage: Porridge, Boorish Or Flourish? - A Participatory Satsang"
A236 "Courage: Porridge, Boorish Or Flourish? - Part II: A Participatory Satsang"
A237 "The Escalator Phenomenon: Moving Along In Loving Cooperation - A Participatory Satsang"
A238 "Overwhelmed: Who's At The Helm? - A Participatory Satsang"
A239 "How To LEARN: A Participatory Satsang"
A240 "How To Handle Floods: A Participatory Satsang"
A241 "Are You An Environmentalist?: A Participatory Satsang"
A242 "You As Playwright: Puppet Show? Being Played? Divine? - A Participatory Satsang."
A243 "The Guru And The Beggar: A Participatory Satsang."
A244 "How Do I Stop My Friend From Creating More Karma?: A Participatory Satsang."
A245 "Ignorance As Wisdom: The Master's Mastery - A Participatory Satsang."
A246 "Co-operation: Disempowerment? Discordant? Alignment? - A Participatory Satsang."
A247 "Is Your "Everydayness' Humdrum? Humming? Flat? - A Participatory Satsang."
A248 "For What Is The Lord, God Waiting? - A Participatory Satsang."
A249 "God's Grace & Protection: The Story Of The Guru, The Store's Cashier & Its Customers - A Participatory Satsang."
A250 "The Sound Current: Real Identity Politics."
A251 "Ignorance's Cost: A Participatory Satsang."
A252 "The Humility Of Acceptance: A Participatory Satsang."
A253 "Pride: Of Lions? A Ride Downhill? An Opportunity? - A Participatory Satsang."
A254 "Patience: Stand Pat? Get A Patent? Start A Pattern? - A Participatory Satsang."
A255 "Untitled"
A256 "LOVE-ING: Active? Passive? Inactive? Needs Practice - A Participatory Satsang"
A257 "Where Is 'The Secret Place Of The Most High'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A258 "The Teacher, The Mirror And You: A Participatory Satsang"
A259 "What Is Your Narrative Telling You: A Participatory Satsang"
A260 "The Feast: A Restaurant, Its Employee, A Child And A Door - A Paticipatory Satsang"
A261 "Are You 'In Depend 'N' See'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A262 "The Cure For The 'Same Old, Same Old' - A Participatory Satsang"
A263 "When Is 'Enough' Enough?: A Participate Satsang"
A264 "Are You Hot And Bothered? Good. Now Go To The 'Clear, Cold North Country': A Participatory Satsang"
A265 "The Forbidden Truth You Already Possess: Guilty? Possessed? On Point? - A Participatory Satsang"
A266 "What Time Is It?: A Participatory Satsang"
A267 "What Is The Situation: Victim? Tune Out? Opportunity? - A Participatory Satsang"
A268 "The Blessing Of Being In The Material World: A Participatory Satsang"
A269 "Co-Creation For The New Year: A Participatory Satsang"
A270 "Who's Your Walking Partner?" A Participatory Satsang"
A271 "A Rare Question-And-Answer Satsang"
A272 "DIS-EASE: Creation? Creative? Conclusion?: A Participatory Satsang
A273 "The Alchemy Of 'Defeat': A Participatory Satsang"
A274 "The Inner Environmentalist: A Participatory Satsang"
A275 "Are You Catching The Vibe?: A Participatory Satsang"
A276 "Where To Go With Our Throughts And Feelings: A Participatory Satsang"
A277 "What Was I Thinking?: Stinking? Sinking? Unblinking? - A Participatory Satsang"
A278 "How Are Your Interpretation Skills?: Inverted? Misguided? Truthful? - A Participatory Satsang"
A279 "Compassion: Passion? Judgement? Love And Acceptance? - A Participatory Satsang"
A280 "Hey, Good Looking!: For What Are You Looking? Why Are You Looking? Where Are You Looking? Are You Focused On Looking? - A Participatory Satsang"
A281 "How Are You Feeling About Your Feelings: Foe? Weapon? Opportunity? Reality? - A Participatory Satsang
A282 "Are You Current?: A Participatory Satsang"
A283 "More On God's Will: A Participatory Satsang"
A284 "'Effort' On The Path Of Soul Transcendence: What Can You Afford? - A Participatory Satsang"
A285 "Trust: What Are You Trusting? - A Participatory Satsang"
A286 "Listening: The Opportunity Of The Ear - A Participatory Satsang"
A287 "What Are You Professing?: A Participatory Satsang"
A288 "What Are You Protesting?: A Participatory Satsang"
A289 "What Are You Confessing?: A Participatory Satsang"
A290 "Equality And Equity In The Sound Current"
A291 "Location! Location! Location!: A Participatory Satsang"
A292 "A Rare Q&A"
A293 "Behind The Screen Of Anger: A Participatory Satsang"
A294 "God's Time: Never? Perfect Timing? - A Participatory Satsang
A295 "Living 'Inside Out' - A Participatory Satsang"
A296 "A Few More Words About 'The Teachings In A Word': A Participatory Satsang"
A297 "What Is "Hesychasm'?: A Chasm? A Spasm? A Permanent Focus?"
A298 "Do You Know You Are An 'Awe-Full' Person?: A Participatory Satsang"
A299 "How Do You Hold The Light?: A Participatory Satsang"
A300 "What Is Perfection? Where Is Perfection? How Do I Regain Perfection?: A Participatory Satsang"
A301 "From What Direction Are You Responding To The Opportunity Called Life That You Have Been Given?: A Participatory Satsang"
A302 "Are You Being Steadfast?: A Participatory Satsang"
A303 "Are You Paying A Withholding Tax?: A Participatory Satsang"
A304 "Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Fairest Of Them All?: A Participatory Satsang"
A305 "Acceptance: Are You Applying It Equally? - A Participatory Satsang"
A306 "Shame And Guilt And Proper Identification: A Participatory Satsang"
A307 "Do You Hear Me?: How To Really Listen - A Participatory Satsang"
A308 "What Is Simultaneous Awareness? - A Participatory Satsang"
A309 "Do You REALLY Want To Learn? - A Participatory Satsang"
A310 "Living The Guidelines: Inexpedient? Impositional? Actualization? - A Participatory Satsang"
A311 "I Don't Want To Be Here': Flee? Be? Missing Words? - A Participatory Satsang"