Not long ago I was working with a young woman who was applying to dental school and, as we moved along in the process, I encouraged her to “be herself” when working on the required personal statement. She instead chose into doubt. Was she a good enough writer to do this at all? What if she didn’t get in anywhere? Were we doing the right thing with the personal statement? What if we weren’t?
The doubt was so “heavy” I could see a big dark doubt blob floating in the air around her chest. Inside mySelf, I said “Mrs. Doubt-fire!” and chuckled a bit because the term itself struck me as funny and also because the response itself is “textbook” as My Teacher says, referring to a particular karmic response and because, as I’ve also Learned from My Teacher, the so-called “karmic fields” can be “comic fields”, this reaction included. It is crucial to state here that the Focus of the Path Of Soul Transcendence That My Teacher Brings Forth is on Loving God. That’s It! I’ve Learned from My Teacher the basic selves love to bring us “doubt” and why not? If we choose to falsely identify with it, then we’re separate from the Spirit we are, we’re in karma and we keep coming around and coming around lifetime after lifetime. This person I am working with is not an Initiate; has not chosen yet to request the Sacred Gift of Initiation Into The Sound Current and is “driven” by her basic selves so why wouldn’t doubt “rule the roost”? As My Teacher has Taught in the Satsang “The Truth, Five Saboteurs, The Con Man And You: A Participatory Satsang”, doubt is the first of the five saboteurs. BUT I write this because as an Initiate, I have been Taught to Focus into Spirit! To keep Returning and Returning and Returning to the Godpoint! Our Teacher Taught me the importance of This in Tools For Living Free #154, “Are You Fearing And Tearing Or Caring And Sharing?” “You don’t have to identify with the hurt, fear, pain.” I chose to focus into the Positive; and I chose to do so at choice point, after choice point, after choice point during the days and weeks we worked together. As a result, that “doubt” remained outside of me; I didn’t take it inside of me as if it were real and feed it so that it crystallized. As I did this I was reminded of the definition of stress Given to me by My Teacher, which is that “stress” is negativity that is outside of us that we then choose to take inside. This young person was “stressed”, as she told me on a regular basis. I did, of course, tell her to let it go on many occasions but the “doubt” grew the more it was “fed” and the more those around her took it in as well and fed it. I also encouraged her to attend Meditations Of The Light Of The Most High, a crucial Tool. Once again, I chose away no matter what others, including her parents, did. It wasn’t real. I have also been Taught by My Teacher that “worry is the handmaiden of doubt” so I Knew right away when the doubt-fired that worry would be on its heels and sure enough it kicked in. “Do you think I’ll get in?” “[Name] says I’ll never get in!” “[Name] says with my test scores it’s going to be really hard!” I chose away. As I’ve Learned from My Teacher, “choosing away” is always in Service to Spirit. As My Teacher further Instructs in #154: “Go to the Godpoint within you and, yeah, you can be dis-identified with the negativity and be identified with the Spirit you are. And that Frequency goes out there into the world and It influences those around you. And It has a Power all Its own.” I also chose to use the Tools, especially the Checklist for Daily Living that was Lovingly created by My Teacher and the part in It that says that we “are doing a great job”. I stayed with that. I stayed with the Truth of Who I am. Which is Spirit and that I am Magnificent. Another crucial section in the Checklist. I allowed This Tool inside of me so these Reinforcements just “came up” over and over again as I Aligned with Them, with the Truth. I also did Self-Talk, reassuring by basic selves that “we’re fine and OK and safe” or that “we’re okay and everything is fine now”, another crucial Teaching on the Sacred Checklist. I did this as often as needed. I also thanked my basics as needed for their cooperation and energy in supporting me in working with this young woman client. Mainly, I Know the Truth, Which is that we’re One Spirit and that Spirit/God/The Inner Teacher or The Inner Master is the Only Reality. I was also fine if there was something I needed to Learn. As the Teachings Teach us, It’s all about Learning after all. As My Teacher has Taught in the Series of Spiritual Learning/Instruction titled, “Understanding The Spirit You Are” my job is to be Neutral and, if there is a new skill I need to learn, I simply do that. As the young woman’s family changed the opening of the personal statement from what I believed worked best because it was this young woman’s truth to something else, I was also fine – if I needed to learn something more about writing personal statements, I was fine with that, too. And fine, too, if I needed to Learn more about the importance of Focusing into Spirit constantly and to receive reinforcements for That, something that “Understanding The Spirit You Are” provides me regularly. I am fine no matter what is going on “out there”. © Copyright 2022. Soundly Inc. All Rights Reserved.
December 2023