For a long time now, I’ve wanted to write a blogpost titled “Is Karma ‘Contagious’?” because I know it is.
I witness examples every day. All day every day. Often, it’s “cultural karma” – My Teacher has referred to this – and unless we’re Centered in Spirit, we can easily be busy choosing into it and spreading the contagion around. Take, for instance, something I see often: many women I know aren’t interested in what the world calls “a career” or in “building a career” – they want to stay home with their children or do something else altogether – but they buy into it [the negativity/karma] because that’s the status, the karma that’s floating around in the world in which we live. There’s no such thing as a female Soul or a male Soul, as The Teachings Teach us. These many women I know are at choice and the Only Real Choice is to Know ourSelves as Spirit, as Soul, which is Who and What we are. That’s our Purpose here on this plant, as My Teacher Teaches. I can pretty much always tell when someone is not true to him- or herSelf because that person’s voice changes as if they are out of tune with themSelves, out of alignment. At this time of the coronavirus, there’s plenty of negativity/karma being put out by the media; and lots of people are buying into it, choosing into it and spreading it around, creating even more karma. That’s how we end up in wars, as I’ve Learned from My Teacher. We create and persist in negativity – the hatred, hostility, violence, really - inside ourSelves and it manifests outwardly. As My Teacher Teaches, there is a magnetic quality to it and it is “catching” whether “inner” or “outer”; the basic selves - the part of us brings forward our karmic patterns - loves to belong. They love contagion. If we’re not fully conscious through Initiation Into The Sound Current, it’s a lot easier to choose into following along. As My Teacher has Taught, negativity is “violence” and that violence affects all Souls, including the One who created it. My Teacher has given the example of a friend’s mother who was angry at her sister and created cancer; and of negativity created in one country that creates hurricanes in another. When we create negatively the “action” takes place in the Inner Worlds; the violence we’ve created goes into the cosmic mirror and is reflected back to us and we take it as real, making it ever-so easy to spread it around and for others to “pick it up”. We choose into the karma, cultural and otherwise. [ed.’s note: As Our Teacher has stated karma on whatever scale is a reflection of individuals’ karma] When we’ve allowed this choice into karma, we’ve been “had” by our basic selves, as My Teacher has Taught me many times – unless we take Initiation and do our Spiritual Work exactly as Taught by Our Teacher, Which includes constantly educating our basic selves to “go down a new track(s)” by using the Four Rules of Self-Talk as Taught by Our Teacher in the Everyday Evolution I Class. Nevertheless, Initiate or non-Initiate, we are always at choice. We are That Important. The Lord, God has created a Perfect System where we have Free Will, Which means we are Responsible for our creations. This also makes us All-Powerful. As My Teacher Teaches we are the First Manifestation of the Lord, God, Which is the HU in HUman. We have dominion over all things, as My Teacher Teaches as well. In this Magnificent System, we are Loving Partners with the Lord, God in the Oneness of Spirit. We are Protected and Loved; the Choice into That is ours. My Teacher has also Taught me what stress is and it is apropos of this blogpost: stress is negativity/karma that is outside of me that I choose to take “inside.” That’s the contagion and I can choose into it – or I can be mySelf: at Peace and in Joy as the Spirit I am. My Teacher has Taught me something else that is crucial: that the negativity that we choose into and persist in is as toxic as any “virus”. My Teacher Instructed us on this in a revolutionary Talk titled “DIS-EASE: Creation? Creative? Conclusion? - A Participatory Satsang”. Here’s What My Teacher said, using the coronavirus as an example: “You can’t get within six feet of somebody because you may give them the virus or they may catch the virus but what about the negativity you run: the anger, the hurt, the pain, the resentment? That’s not catchable? … that’s not toxic? So another thing that needs to come out of this is the realization that negativity is just as toxic as any physical virus. …” As My Teacher said to me in an Open Hour, the semiweekly times each week when My Teacher is available for Spiritual Counseling: “Stay in the Loving.” I wish this for all of you. And for this magnificent planet that has been so Lovingly brought forward by the Lord, God as the One Place where, through Initiation Into The Sound Current, we have the Opportunity to Know ourSelves as Soul, as Spirit and to Love ourSelves and all Souls. Copyright 2020. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.
December 2023