We have just celebrated July 4th and, as we shot fireworks into our nighttime skies celebrating independence, it was a perfect invitation to look within and see how much inner freedom we actually allot to ourselves. This holiday classically represents a celebration of our country’s freedom. In addition to being a reminder of our forefathers’ declarations it has, at times, served to be a measuring stick for how far we still have to travel to get to our destination of actually living these truths. Nowadays the 4th of July holiday has also morphed into a banner weekend for all things modern Americana and our current-day celebrations are parties beside beaches and pools, sprinkled with red, white and blue, popsicles, hot dogs and hamburgers.
Yet, what are we really celebrating? The banishing of imperialists? Real freedom? Why, then, does this party feel so devoid of palpable application to our daily lives and our innermost hearts? Yes, most of us have the right to vote for our representatives in office or on policy. However, how many of us elect freedom, kindness, compassion, love, and uplifting thoughts to run in our Consciousness? How many of us are sovereign over our inner environment? Most of the population runs completely amok, driven by our patterns and unconscious. We are very often tortured by our thoughts and feelings as we make them paramount. We naturally value the freedom to choose what we want to wear, practice what religion we want, share our beliefs; yet, inside ourselves we are trapped by our individual negativity, not realizing that we have another choice. How we can choose differently is by taking sovereignty within and electing ourSelves into Freedom. And this comes about from Individual Choice and Responsibility. From a Spiritual Perspective we know that the Path to Peace doesn’t come from treaties and arms embargos, marches in the streets, etc.. Rather it comes from each Individual’s Responsibility in the group setting to Choose Love. To Choose Grace. To Choose Peace. To Choose Kindness. To Choose Forgiveness. To Choose to be born anew. These are more than just concepts, they are living realities that we each have an opportunity to attune to each-and-every moment. The way to true Freedom is granted is by giving It to one’s Self. This is done directly through a very specific Path, called Initiation into the Sound Current. My much-loved and deeply wise Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane who founded The Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies, gives this precious Gift to students who request Initiation. I am one of those Blessed students and have the direct, palpable experience within myself of being truly and entirely Free. Through following the devotional practice exactly as laid out by my Meditation Teacher at the time of Initiation I allowed the karmic patterns of fear, hurt, anger, unworthiness, jealousy, lack, limitation and much more to be Lifted from me. As these habitual thoughts and feelings were cleared and taken up through the Process that the world commonly knows as Meditation, I became Freer and Freer and Freer until becoming as I am now. Someone with total autonomy her life and complete Inner Freedom. My experience of this is so joyful that is leaves me wordless. Life is Technicolor for me now with great enrichment of flavors, colors, sights, sensations, tastes and so much more. The irony is that alongside this or, possibly even the root as to why I am deeply grateful for life’s many blessings and bounty, is that I am less attached to things than I’ve ever been before. I have the Freedom to know that I am fine and I am Loved regardless of how I am treated in the world. Regardless of anyone’s response to me, I am Worthy of God’s Love, and I have deep acceptance of the Spirit within me each moment. Not at a holy-roller or some imaginary set of words to say declaring devotion, but as a gracious recipient of this wonderful Gift of Freedom, living each moment with celebration within me. It looks like a warm smile on my face and thankfulness in my heart. It is kindness to all and sincere caring for my fellow humanity. It is also being guided by the greatest leader there is; the Spirit within. This is the true Independence. And this Independence Day is every day. Copyright 2017, 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.
December 2023