For years now, I have helped to organize one of the Events offered by Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies. Before I had been Blessed with This Sacred Service, I knew nothing about organizing events. I made the choice to be of Service, Which, as the years went by, I understood to be a Sacred Opportunity to Serve mySelf by being with the Lord, God.
I’m Present with God when I do Service exactly as Taught by My Teacher, Dr. Lane, Who is also Founder/Director of Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies and the Dean of Its Magnificent Seminary. Then, this year, someone else stepped up to organize this Event and through this Process of observing this person who “took over” – also not a professional “event planner” - I gained much perspective and understanding. As I observed This Soul step up and do what I consider to be a great job: to take the “risk” of being “front and center” and to “take on” Responsibility for some of what happens; to introduce new ways of doing things without knowing the outcome until the Event is over – through this Opportunity to “watch” this “new person”, I better understood how Powerful I am and that it has nothing whatsoever to do with the skills I have or not or the so-called “outer situation”. It has to do with my choice to be Open to Service, Whatever It is, and to stay Open and Allow the Process. What that Soul did and What I’ve done as well is simple – I Opened mySelf up to It. To Being of Loving Service. To Serving mySelf and, as a byproduct, “others”. I realize now that once I open mySelf up to It, I am Supplied. I am given my next steps; for instance, while organizing another Sacred Event, in the instant when I was about to write an email to someone else working on the Event, I immediately “got” inwardly to make sure that my communication is clear re: writing exactly what this person needs to know now. And I did just that! Instead of my usual pattern of being all over the place by telling stories and/or adding extraneous information that has nothing to do with the subject at hand. I was Met! Met by God/The Teacher! And, yes, any “gaps or holes” for this Event, they were filled, too, through Grace, Which is What the Process is – as long as I’m Open to It and Allow It. Grace is of God and from God, as My Teacher Taught me. Be Open and Allow and everything is Easy, as I’ve Learned. Serving mySelf – and, as a byproduct, “others” - equals Power. Equals Learning. Equals Living as Who and What I am. Equals Giving mySelf God. Equals the Limitlessness That I am. Equals Receiving the Vastness of God, Which is Who and What I am. I am Vast. When I begin Service I Co-Create with Spirit by Calling in the Light Of The Most High like this: “Lord, God, send me Your Light! Lord, God for the Highest Good place [name of Event] into Your Light for the Highest Good. Please make everything easy and effortless and please fill any ‘gaps or holes’. Thank You, Lord, God.” I let go and I Trust. With the original Event and others, whether the organizer or only handling a task or two, I sometimes feel “overwhelmed”; especially, while preparing. “So much to do!” The Remedy, as My Teacher has Taught me, is to immediately use the negativity to Lift by doing Self-Talk like this: “basics, come present! I need your cooperation and energy to [whatever the direction is at that moment, including being Present]. Thank you and let’s keep up the good work with this!” And I Focus into Spirit. As My Teacher has often said, “basics will be basics”. My understanding of this is that the basic selves – the part of me that brings forward my karmic patterns – use anything to keep me reincarnating/coming back in body after body. “Busi-ness” is a sure sign I’m in “time and space”; as I’ve been Taught, there is no “time and space” in Spirit. Again, as needed, I Line up by Focusing into Spirit and doing Self-Talk. The negativity isn’t real, as I Know; and it’s a Magnificent Opportunity Brought Forth to Lift and to Grow. While organizing a more recent Sacred Event, I was given an Event-related suggestion by someone else that I moved on right away until I realized that it was ineffective. I had “jumped on it” because it was “better” for me, the ego-me, which is a sign of coming from my basics/the false self. Yet, I went with it for a while before I did Self-talk again by updating them on what I’m doing now (choosing to handle this in a Loving, Caring way). Service is whatever needs to be done; the form it takes doesn’t matter, as I’ve been Taught. From a Loving Place, Which is the Generous Place of Giving Fully to mySelf. And Receiving. I’m Open to the Adventure. It’s my – and “our” - Inner Attitude; my and “our” Openness to the Love, to Receiving It that is All. Service is a Cornerstone of The Teachings That My Teacher Brings Forth, as I have been Taught and Know well. I Thank my Fellow Initiate for This Initiate’s Example that was also a Reminder to me of the Power of Service. And of being Open to It. I enCourage readers who are Initiates Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence to give This Gift to Themselves by contacting Our Teacher. Simply inviting Souls to Meditation Of The Light Of the Most High is a Magnificent Service, for example. Thank YOU, My Teacher, for These Blessings and for Constantly Teaching me the Inner Reality of Service; Its Sacred Importance and Supporting me in my Learning, Which is ongoing. Copyright 2022, 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.
December 2023