The world can appear to be a place of strife, competition, fear, negativity and pain when we see things through the “us against them” mentality. Yet there is a place within yourSelf where you reside that knows you are taken care of, you are okay and you are whole. From “here” you can trust your ability to be in the world because you are placing your focus on the Positive, which is the Soul that you are. Then, as the powerful Creator that you are, you create your outer situations to reflect this. And we affirm being self-contained by keeping our own power, which is really the Power of our Soul.
The renowned Meditation Teacher and Founder of The Center for Religion and Advanced Spiritual Studies, Dr. Roger B. Lane, describes this paradigm in the published Tool For Living Free entitled, “The Secret of Success”. Dr. Lane explains, “When we’re always, always questing after status, power, success, fame - if we achieve it we always have to maintain it. So there goes all of our energy, there goes all our consciousness – it’s aimed at that or, if we don’t have it, we’re doing the same thing. We’re always striving. So we’re either seeking to maintain it or we’re seeking to obtain it. And that’s what happens, that’s the nature of the beast. But the interesting thing is that the quest is central in our consciousness. But we’re told just the opposite.” “We’re told that we need to know ourSelves as Spirit, as God, as the Light of The Most High that we are and from that place… our Focus is on God and Who we are then all that other stuff is added to us. …” Let’s reflect on this for a moment! Dr. Lane says, “All that other stuff is added unto us.” It is a modern version of what the Beloved Jesus The Christ was quoted as saying in Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” We are encouraged to place our attention on God, on our Soul, on Spirit and, through that Focus and Receiving, we will automatically, seemingly effortlessly, be given all the things of the world. Look at the importance of what is being Taught! So we need to Receive. And we Receive by placing our Consciousness at God. The world really is inside out and backwards as Dr. Lane Teaches! You have all the things of the world by placing your love and attention on what is within – God. Dr. Lane elaborated further in “The Secret of Success” by explaining the keys some very smart people he knows used to unlock life’s true magic in this way. “And these Souls that won at the game of life allowed themselves to be given to. Their focus was in God and they allowed everything be to added unto them. And everything was added to them. It’s like they got out of the way of the world and things of the world just got added to them. Because that wasn’t their focus. So they won. They won God. They won the Lord, God. They gave themselves God. That’s where success is. Success is in meeting the goal of life and the goal of life is to know God while you’re in the body. …” To learn how to do this by Receiving Initiation into The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence and start the wonderful journey of knowing God within visit Copyright 2017. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.
December 2023