The Greatest Gift I’ve ever Given mySelf was my decision to take Initiation into the Sound Current on the Path of Soul Transcendence. Being an Initiate truly is the Gift That Keeps on Giving!
I must tell you, I’ve Learned that It is an Active unwrapping with countless layers of unfoldment. I Walk a Devotional Path from fear of God to Love of the Lord, God. A key aspect of the Path of Soul Transcendence, as brought forth by My Teacher Dr. Roger B. Lane, is that it provides The Opportunity to Be with God Directly while in the body through the Spiritual Practice taught at the Time of Initiation. Dr. Lane is a Sound Current Master from Whom I requested and Received Initiation from several years ago. The Blessings and Grace extended to Initiates of the Sound Current on the Path of Soul Transcendence are Miraculous. Attuning to Them is an active process. Unwrapping, unraveling, unveiling the Gem of the Truth of Who I Truly AM, The Spirit I AM, takes an ongoing mix of Loving Discipline, Forgiveness, Committment and Eternal Vigilance. 1. Loving Discipline - There’s no Growth without Love. Said Positively, it takes a lot of Love to Be an Initiate and actively Receive God’s Grace. Love of Self, Love of God, Love of Others; I’ve come to Know it’s all One and the same. It’s been a Journey of Surrender, Trusting and Allowing for me to come to hold Discipline as a positive and essential ingredient in my Tool Kit. How do I Discipline mySelf and What does that involve? Primarily, it involves Positive Self-Talk. This is a Practice of Lovingly Encouraging, Directing, Acknowledging and Bringing Present (aka Educating) my basic selves according to the 4 Rules of Self-Talk I have learned. The basic selves are the habitual parts of my consciousness that perpertuate reincarnational patterns and expressions of the lower (false) self. The True Self is the Spirit that I AM, That Which is Omnipresent and All-ways accessible, is Strengthened and directly Reinforced by Practing Positive Self-Talk as well as by an additional Two-part Release Process by which anything I’ve allowed to stand between me and the Spirit I AM is Surrendered. 2. Forgiveness - Negativity is a large part of the world we live in and serves a purpose. It’s a guarantee that it will come up in the form of thoughts, feelings and habitual patterns. We are to use these as Opportunities to Lift and Grow and re-Focus at God. Forgiveness then opens me to being Present and provides a choice-point to Surrender any judgments I’ve placed on mySelf or on others or any of the negativity I was choosing to run. It’s the Soul-ution to any imbalance, incongruence and any other error in consciousness and a way to come into Alignment again and again with the Spirit that I AM. As an Initiate of the Light of the Most High on the Path of Soul Transcenence, I’m Blessed with Being able to see, sometimes instantly, the effects of the negativity I’ve been running. I can easily go into thoughts like “not this again!” or “I should be further along” when I notice I’ve been had by my basics. The Antidote to this is Loving Acceptance partnered with Loving Self-Forgiveness. Acceptance is the act of honestly and neutrally owning where I’m at in any given moment in my Consciousness. I might be judging or criticizing mySelf or another. Whatever the case, this causes separation from the Spirit within. By accepting where I’m at I allow mySelf another experience to come forward and take its place. Forgiving mySelf for any and all judgments I may have placed on mySelf or others keeps negativity from crystalizing. 3. Commitment - An active process. Really the proper phrasing of this element is Re-Commitment. Again and again and again and again as many times as needed and as Lovingly as possible. Committing to mySelf and Life as an Initiate hasn’t always been the easy choice for me, up until now. However, this Path isn’t about focusing on what’s not so. It is about Actively and Lovingly Guiding mySelf to Return and Return and Return as many times as needed to Focusing at God. 4. Eternal Vigilance - Which brings me to the fourth ingredient; an important element of this Path and the Key to all the other important Keys I’ve mentioned thus far. Eternal Vigilance is about Being “the Loving Traffic Cop” (an analogy offered by My Teacher I’ve Surrendered into) and Choosing to Exercise my will as One and the same with God’s Will. Because I’m always at Choice and have the Power to Exercise It consciously. It’s what I invoke when I’m Practicing all the other elements. I do this by actively Co-Creating with God by calling in the Light Of The Most High by saying: “Lord, God, for the Highest Good send me Your Light and send this Light to My Teacher”. Then asking God to Co-Create with me by saying: “Lord, God, I am moving on x, y, z. For the Highest Good please Co-Create this with me!” I then practice The Power of Positive Self-Talk as well as the Two-part Release Process. Choosing the Spirit within is the most valuable choice I could ever make. And Initiation into the Sound Current is each Soul’s Golden Opportunity to Unwrap and Activate the Greatest Gift there is and ever will Be: The Living Reality of God Within. And I’m Worth this Investment! And so are you! - Written by Rev. Dewi Maile Lim A blog taken from the Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence By Rev. Dewi Maile Lim. Ever wondered why? “Why?” About anything as it pertains to you? To humanity? To the planet? Literally, anything…? “Why?” in terms of your or other’s work? “Why?” in terms of your or other’s relationships? Finances? Health? Family of origin? No matter the story or context behind your questioning “why” there’s really only one answer. It’s because it’s been Spiritually Correct (more on this below) for you and whoever else has been involved. Sure, there may be “facts”, tradition or history involved with an experience that we allow to fuel the prevailing thought that “that’s just the way it is/things are”. It’s easy to feel we’re victim of situations, be they relational, financial, or even regarding the level of dis-ease we may be experiencing in any moment. There’s an up-until-now tenant however that’s key that’s available to us to transform how we identify with these situations in any moment. Going forward, the Power of Choice empowers us to experience differently ourSelves, others and really any and everything. Then what’s this about things being Spiritually Correct? Doesn’t that give someone a license to act a fool and get away with it based on this premise? No. We do have free will and God/Spirit does not go against it but no one “gets away” with anything. There is a perfect system of karma and reincarnation in place that you can rest assured is always at work. And say we don’t like something or someone that’s been a part of our experience. It’s not that all of a sudden you have to go around pretending like things are all hunky-dory. But they are Spiritually Correct. The key here is Acceptance. Of what has been and of what is. And most definitely Forgiveness for any judgments you may have placed on yourself and others. And you can bet being free has everything to do with you and how you’re choosing to hold that situation or that person inside yourSelf. Judgments block the flow of Spirit. Do whatever you can, whenever you can to release them! Begin by calling in The Light Of The Most High by saying: “Lord, God, for the Highest Good send me Your Light! Please take anything I’ve been allowing to block the Flow of Spirit!” Then tell yourSelf, how you call yourSelf, “(your name), it’s OK to Let this go!” From here, go about life from a place of inner Freedom and repeat this 2-part release process as often as needed! And things are Spiritually Correct until they no longer are. Grace moves in and transmutes karma when the Soul or Souls involved have fully received Their Learning. And there’s a Way to Allow This Grace to be available to you. Through Inititation into the Sound Current the Soul is sparked Awake and is able to come to know Itself directly as Spirit while It’s in the body, strengthening in Spiritual Frequency while using everything to Lift and Grow. And this planet is the perfect training ground for humanity to come into Proper Identification as the Spirit we are. We are HU-man, God man. What’s crucial is exercising the Power of Choice. The Power to Choose where we place our focus as we move through each and every situation in life. There’s such beauty in the system! The perspective you Choose to hold is everything! So Choose now to live at Spirit; Choose now to live at God! Why? Why not? #YouAreGod A blog taken from the Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence By Rev. Dewi Maile Lim. Our blog at CRASS is the home for the #YouAreGod Campaign.
Through articles written by students formally studying with CRASS Founder/Director Dr. Roger B. Lane we share the Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence with all Souls via blog posts, email, Facebook and Twitter. The name of the Campaign is inspired by The Teachings that God lives within us and This is who we really are. The Campaign features daily quotes, podcasts, online activities, and a sister blog at: and other Special Offerings. To receive updates when new posts become available via Facebook subscribe to receive notifications through our CRASS Fan Page at: or follow us on Twitter at |
December 2023