Giving is more than about a season or birthday. Giving is more than the dollar you give to someone or the hand you lend by holding a door or helping someone with their groceries. Volunteering your time and gifting your money is certainly a wonderful way to support others yet True Giving is more than even that. It is more than an action and certainly more than a transaction. True Giving is about the place inside of you in which you ‘reside’ when you move about in the world and give from that “place”.
When you come from Proper Identification knowing yourSelf as more than a body with emotions and thoughts - as a Soul - then you Give from that place you are truly Giving. That experience is one of Knowing that your Giving is not outside of yourSelf and “to” the other person but rather the gift is inside of you because Love and Giving are inherent in our being as Souls. My Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, Teaches that movement in the world is inspired just by this and that there is no real mine, yours, give, get and there is no separation for we all are One. The True Reality of Souls is that we are all the same “material”. That’s what separates giving from the perspective of the finite and limited reality from Truly Giving from Abundance, overflow and being Present. It is the Consciousness, the Focus and the Knowing that we are Soul and we are the Love that we Give. For it all is Love. As my Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, explains in greater detail in a Satsang - Spiritual Teaching - entitled “Give – Then Give Some More” “What we’re giving is the Spirit we are. But guess what? That Spirit is in all things. Spirit’s in you. It’s in me. It’s in all Souls. And It’s the Spirit of the Lord, God. And give of That. …” Dr. Lane says later in the same Satsang, “And I love Spiritual Mathematics and I love Spiritual Economics because They’re based on something real simple. They’re based on the Truth and the Truth of Spirit and That is that if I give you something, guess what? Spirit comes and fills and more than fills that place that was occupied by what I’ve given you. I can’t lose. …” An example of this is my experience of Giving a gift to a friend’s child and noticing that the gift left me an experience of my wallet’s being no thinner and, in fact, the joy I felt in my heart was so noticeable that I felt my capacity for love grow, as though I was actually “allotted” more Love in my life by the simple act of this gift. So when you Give you are Knowing your own Abundance, Which is placing your Consciousness with God and that you are supplied by the Spirit that you are. You know you are limitless and move from the common ways of the world like fear; lack; poverty; limitation and into the generosity of Spirit. Dr. Lane also Teaches that when we Give nothing is diminished in Spirit so it is not even a case of filling that space. Dr. Lane’s most recent Satsang entitled “The Guru And The Beggar” describes this further, “Most of us, when we’re not Living Royally as The Spirit We are, we walk around separate from God, separate from Spirit and we buy into lack and limitation and effort, etc., etc.. So it seems so hard to get the dollar and even harder to get five dollars. … We have to beg for it. When the Truth is just as the Guru happily gave the beggar five dollars, God supplies and gives us whatever we need. That’s the Truth of Spirit. That’s the Truth of Spirit. … We need to give up and let go of being a beggar! Begging for Love; begging for attention; begging for affection; begging for anything. And know that we are Supplied and be at the God-point, Which is that we are Loved and cared about… And the simple Truth is that we are That Love and we are That Caring.” So if we know that we are Soul; we are Spirit; we are Love; we are supplied; we are That Caring then we have nothing to get and everything to Give. And that’s the True Gift. Copyright 2021. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved. e to edit.
December 2023