Six years ago, I decided to give mySelf the one material thing I had Co-Created several times with the Lord, God in doing The Money Workbook by Our Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Lane: living in a luxury building. To me that meant a building with a concierge and an indoor swimming pool.
The Gift of the exact new home I had Co-Created was brought forward in the Spring of 2013. I Knew right away that the chlorine in the pool was toxic; that being In Integrity meant that I needed to go with that Knowing, which I did by choosing away from using this pool. That Surrender wasn’t always easy; there was a part of me – the basic selves – that wanted me to just jump in there anyway. Who cares? Haven’t I jumped in a chlorinated pool countless times before this? And didn’t I just spend all this money to have a pool in my building? But I stayed with my Knowing. Not going in the toxic pool. It was a Choice and one that I made consciously. And one that I had to revisit over and over and over again. For instance, I was invited by a close friend to swim with her at a nearby pool. I asked her if it was chlorinated and on hearing “yes” I passed on the invitation. When my friend said more than once that she “swims in this pool so what’s the problem?”, a part of me wanted to just jump in and go for a swim, too. I chose to stay with what I Knew. I also didn’t read a whole lot of stuff about “chlorine”. I went with my Knowing. I now understand from My Teacher that I assumed that the above pool had the same levels of chlorine as the pool in my building. With this understanding my Knowing – Which has to do with me – is the same. Not to go in the toxic pool. ‘Lo and behold, six years later, shortly before I wrote this blog, I found out that the seven-months-long construction project that has been going on in the pool area of my building involves putting in a salt water pool, which is exactly what I need to swim more healthfully in my building’s pool! Hooray! I Knew the moment that I found this out that had I chosen to “run my stuff”, had I chosen to jump into the toxic pool no matter my Knowing, most likely the salt water pool, this Gift from the Lord, God, would never have come to be as it did. I would have gotten my karmic creation, my creation away from Knowing/Integrity/My Truth. And who knows? I might even have gotten sick, which I’ve now learned can include having one’s skin peel off. I waited. I Surrendered every time the “temptation” came up. I just went with that Knowing. No matter what anyone else said, which they did from time to time: “Oh, come on, there’s nothing wrong with chlorine. I’ve gone in pools with chlorine many times”. I thank the Lord, God for this Gift. And mySelf for staying with my Knowing. For further Study, please listen to the Satsang entitled, “‘Exactly’: What’s The Point?” Given by Our Teacher. In this Satsang, Dr. Lane talks about “being On Point.” “Be On Point in as mundane a thing as brushing your teeth. Why isn’t flossing or brushing your teeth Spiritual? [Being On Point is] staying in your Integrity, keeping your agreements with yourSelf regardless of what it is.” To purchase this Talk and listen to It, go to; in the upper right hand corner, click on “shop/download”; put A86 in the search box and check out. It arrives instantly!
December 2023