My Teacher recently Instructed me to get clarification on personal relationships and situations - instead of creating stories about them inside mySelf. Following This Instruction has been life-changing. Let me give you the example of “storifying” that I had shared with My Teacher after which My Teacher gave me this Powerful Instruction! I recently created a story inside mySelf that someone didn’t like me. After all, I had texted this person about important Events and none of the texts had been answered. Thanks to My Teacher’s Instruction, I called the person; shared how I felt and found out that nothing of the sort was so. He liked me just fine; and, since then, all of my texts have been promptly answered. The texts had not been returned because he did not want to text back that he had chosen not to attend these Events. He now replies honestly. Here’s another example! I had done some work for someone – in this case, helping this person apply for an award, which he ultimately didn’t win. I then created an inner story that he was angry at me because he didn’t win. After all, ever since the winners were announced, my voicemail messages hadn’t been returned. As Instructed, I got clarification; and found out that no such thing was so. He had been traveling; didn’t care whether he won or not and wanted to continue to work together. I’ve also Learned that being Neutral is crucial in clarification. After My Teacher’s Clarification Instruction in the first paragraph of this blog, I was better able to clarify situations involving potential clients. In one such situation, I was asked to work on a project; I followed up as I had been instructed by that company but never heard back. This time, I simply called for clarification. I was fine either way - whether they preferred that I do the project or not. I also experienced that my choice into Neutrality freed them up. No need to “make nice” or “string me along”, as had happened before. The person I had called told me that they had chosen to handle the project in another way. I’ve Learned something else, too – that sharing my feelings by coming from an “I place”, as I’ve also been Taught by My Teacher, is important when getting clarification. A years-ago example has stayed with me. I had created a now-familiar story that someone was angry at me about some public relations work that I had done for them. At that time, My Teacher had Taught me “conflict resolution”. In this case, I had already “storified” but I got in there “right away” after My Teacher’s “conflict resolution” Instruction. I called the person and shared from an I place: “I feel like you’re angry at me regarding [situation].” Before the call, I had also called in the Light Of The Most High like this: “Lord, God, send me Your Light!”; I had put my preference into the Light Of The Most High for the Highest Good and, as Instructed re: conflict resolution, I was Present. I also Listened to the other person – without my usual interruptions. And I shared from a Place of Integrity as well. I recall that the person admitted that, yes, she had been annoyed and, that after we had neutrally discussed the situation, this person told me that she was referring some business to me. That “some business” has turned out to be at least half of the client base I have worked with since then. I’ve Learned as well that it takes courage to get clarification and that using the Two-Part Release Technique before and after clarification as often as necessary to let go of anything that separates me from the Spirit I am is important, too. So, too, basic selves – the part of me that brings forward my karmic patterns - love the blah, blah of the inner story. And my choice to create karma so that I keep reincarnating. The patterns brought forward by my basics – fear of “being yelled at”, for example - have no power unless I choose to identify with them. Self-Talk to direct and redirect my Focus into the action at hand and into Spirit is crucial in clarification, as I’ve Learned. I Know, too, that when I line up with My Teacher’s Instruction, I allow the Grace. That is, after all, What’s going on … the Lord, God is in the situation and is the situation. What had been “between” us – mySelf and the Souls in question – vanished once I Practiced the Instruction. The deeper Learning is, of course, that there never was separation or “conflict” to begin with – other than the separation within me “between” me and the Spirit I am because of the karma/negativity I chose to create and for which I am Responsible. We’re One Spirit! Copyright 2021. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.
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