I’ve been reading Tools For Living Free #44 titled “Excuses, Excuses – Let’s Be Done With Them!” on a regular basis. The Title has stayed with me; I’ve recommended the Tool and the Talk from Which these excerpts are taken to numerous Fellow Initiates.
So, it’s likely no accident that, as I started to write this blog, what came to me was “choices, choice – Let’s Be Done With Them!” [ed’s note: These words “coming to me” and my reporting/writing that here does not mean that they are for use as a title for this blog.] It came to me because we are given so many choices with a lowercase “c” – want a new couch? There are thousands if not millions to choose from! A notebook? Oh, OK, there are big ones; itsy bitsy ones you can’t possibly take notes in; one-inch spines, two-inch spines, two-and-a-half inch spines …; all kinds of lines on the page or no lines, if that’s your preference. Our BeLoved Teacher gave a Satsang in which Our Teacher spoke of shopping for a bike. A beautiful, simple bike; likely high-quality; gets the job done getting from here to there locally when My Teacher is outside the city. This stayed with me because I recognized the experience – Our Teacher wants a simple, well-made bike – and then guess what? There are choices, choice, choices … this tire, that tire, that, this, this that. What I’ve discovered having spent hours and hours on Amazon.com as Covid-19 spread around the world is that boy! was I allowing mySelf to be a basic – unconsciously scrolling through a choice-a-rama: couches and news stories from outlet after outlet after outlet and lists of “specials” (read: discounts, deals) of all kinds that gave me nothing at all deal-wise other than a chance to live habitually. Boy! did I waste “time” and money, too! Then I gave up. I stopped shopping as a habitual action. And stopped doing things mentally because I knew that the mind loves to be busy – yes, this handlebar, that handlebar, that arm rest, no arm rest, velvet that fades, that doesn’t, then all the articles about whether it really does or not – I keep coming around and coming around. Literally what happens when I allow and create karma. As an Initiate Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence, I’ve discovered that I Know better than that. As Our Teacher says in the Tool For Living Free #44 on Excuses, “I’ve been working with people for a long time and the common denominator of all these people who come to me - and when they get in trouble it is for one reason and one reason only – they didn’t listen to themSelves. They didn’t listen to the Spirit inside of them. And they overran it with their ego. They overran it with their ego.” So that’s what I have allowed, up until now – hours on my iPhone checking out whatever it is I was choosing – with a lowercase “c” - to check out unconsciously and boy! is the world going give me lots to check out, a real choice-a-rama. As My Teacher Teaches, the mind loves to create problems so it can then go and solve them. Boy! is finding that bike or that couch “difficult”! Yep! What a problem that floor lamp I needed upstairs was! Big problem! Looked at “zillions” online, lying on the couch at night. I Knew I wasn’t living as an Initiate. When I do That – live as an Initiate - however “mundane” the outer situation, I put each situation in to the Light Of The Most High (I did, eventually, with the lamp); asked the Lord, God for the Highest Good for what I prefer and listened to mySelf. I discovered over and over again that with Spirit, what seems like it takes three years when I choose - lowercase “c” - into the mind/ego takes about three minutes with Spirit. Easy. I’ve discovered that when I allow the “choiceness” of the mind to rule, nothing is “easy”. There is always a mountain to climb – and, I’ve discovered, too, that once the mountain gets higher and higher, I then start to procrastinate because who wants to climb that “high” – with a lowercase “h”? When I allow that unconscious Amazon.com “search thing” to kick in, I’ve literally “gone to sleep”. I’ve abdicated my Responsibility to Be Present. So that floor lamp just “showed up” by Magic – yes, by Way of the Magic Show That is Grace – and, as I’ve discovered living in Grace, it showed up when I wasn’t “looking for it” – it was just there one day. And, yes, as Spirit led me, the store I happened to walk into took nearly $100 off the price. This isn’t to say, of course, that one can’t Be Present and shop online and look at plenty of choices. However, with God comes Simple Solutions, I’ve found. The “price” I’ve paid, up until now, is the price of refusing to give up control. The serious cost(s) of allowing and creating karma. No choices, choices, choices. Only One choice – God. And let it go at That. All we need for sure. Copyright 2020. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.
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December 2023