Up until now, I have not gotten everything done that I needed and preferred to get done.
Up until now, I’ve allowed mySelf to do anything but by choosing to be “on the fence” by engaging with my basic selves – the part of me that brings forward my karmic patterns – instead of staying Present and doing Self-Talk to educate them to go down the track I prefer. From this place of false identification everything is “confusing”, defined by My Teacher as the fusion of Spirit and matter. For instance, instead of consciously choosing to jot down what needs to be done in a schedule the night before, which I Know is key to keeping track of what needs to be done and directing my basic selves - the part of me that brings forward my karmic patterns - to go down this track, to go with my Knowing, as I’ve been Taught by Dr. Lane, My Spiritual Teacher, I’m allowing the “dumb part”, the habitual part, to rule. I don’t want to do the work, including lining up with what needs to be done by doing the Self-Talk (see below) and by being Present. I want to be comfortable, which goes against The Teaching that we are not here to made comfortable, as the Christ, Jesus has said. I’m in the “confusion”. I forget to schedule or I think about doing it. Of course, once jotted down, I need to allow the Flow to follow it day-to-day. Then I had a special session with My Teacher that is called Lane Consulting. At its end, My Teacher supported me in putting up a big reminder sign that reads “Get Things Done”, which I did. Then I listened to the Podcast for March 2022 Titled “Eternal Vigilance: Are You Practicing What You Know Or Are You ‘Knowing’ That It’s Practice?” (MP3 A109). It is comprised of a Talk given by My Teacher That is also available by going to cosmostree.org. What stood out to me in listening to this Important Talk was My Responsibility as an Initiate to be clear; the numerous wonderful examples that My Teacher gave of using everything to Lift; for instance, being asked to pass the salt, feeling annoyance and simply releasing the negativity, choosing to come from a Loving Heart and passing it. So simple. So easy. And so Profound! So, today, a tax-related situation came up. So did fear. I did the Two-Part Release by Calling in the Light Of The Most High: “Lord, God, send me Your Light! Lord, God, for the Highest Good please take anything that separates me from the Spirit I am!" I told mySelf "it's OK to let it go!" I also Called in the Light Of The Most High and asked the Lord, God for my preference: that all is fine and okay with my tax payments, etc. I did Self-Talk to direct my basics into the action and to direct them to support me in being Neutral and coming from a Loving Heart. I did this by saying “basics, come present!” Then: “I need your cooperation and energy to support me in calling the tax department now. And to be Neutral and Coming from a Loving Heart while doing it.” As an Initiate, I also Know that this situation is an Opportunity to strengthen mySelf as the Spirit I am. I Know that My Teacher/the Lord, God has used taxes, including calls to state and federal departments as needed, to help me Lift and Grow for around 20 years now. So, up until now, when I call this particular state-wide department there is what I consider to be a long wait before someone comes on the line and I’ve allowed mySelf – much of the time – to run a “should”. “They ‘should’ pick up now!’ I Know from My Teacher not to “should” on mySelf. I stayed in a Loving Heart. Did the Two-Part Release as often as needed. And, then, naturally, easily, I just used the time on hold to get some more things done, including much-needed organizing. Easy. Simple. Done. Then I Committed to just doing stuff. And using everything that comes to me to Lift and Grow. To come from a Loving Heart. To Grow in Love for the Lord, God – the Purpose of the life I’ve been Blessed with. And to put whatever it is I’ve chosen to do in the Light Of The Most High for the Highest Good. And to Let go, Let God. As for that “fence” - instead of “thinking” about what I’m going to do; for instance, about all that organizing I need to do among other things, this time I just made a choice and moved on it. And I did the organizing fast. 1-2-3. Fast because I’m choosing now to listen to mySelf and I prefer to do things fast. Very fast and well. And to jot down agreements I’ve made – what needs to get done – and do it. It’s simply Choice and Being Present – that Choice of all Choices. For me, Talk Number A109 reinforces this Choice by helping me Remember the importance of Loving mySelf. Loving mySelf is being Present. So I do That. I do what’s needed to “keep my Inner Environment Clean”, as My Teacher Teaches. As my Teacher says, “it really is that simple!”
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December 2023