For the last two holiday seasons I read excerpts from a Talk given by Dr. Lane, Founder and Director of the Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies (CRASS). The Talk is apropos of the holiday season but It is apropos of each and every moment of our lives.
The Talk is on Giving and It is titled “Give – Then Give Some More.” What “hit me over the head” like a big red STOP sign as I re-read this Talk is that Giving takes practice. It’s not “Oh, yeah, I’m just gonna give” and I go “out there” and do a whole bunch of “outer things” – to get credit, to fill some obligation, to ensure that I don’t “make waves” by not giving something to someone. Giving has absolutely nothing to do with all the things we “think” it has to do with. Nothing at all. Giving is the quiet Inner Practice of Giving to ourSelves and then Giving to ourSelves some more and some more. That quiet, easy, gentle Giving to ourSelves is the Focus into Spirit; the Focus into Spirit; the Focus into Spirit by placing your Focus at the Upper Part Of The Third Eye. It is a practice, a moment-to-moment practice. That Giving to mySelf; Giving to mySelf; Giving to mySelf is one and the same as being Present or Present with Spirit/the Spirit we are – and yes, folks, that is the Present, the Gift we Give ourSelves each moment. And when I give mySelf that Gift, I give to everyone around me. But that giving to mySelf of the Gift – the direct Focus into Spirit - is only possible if you choose to request – and Receive - Initiation into the Sound Current on the Path Of Soul Transcendence. This is done by either calling 212 828-0464, emailing [email protected] or click here for more information. For all the “talk” “out there” about being “Present” or “in the moment”, unless you take Initiation, you are not fully Present. The difference is that between living in the “fullness” of the lower self or the “negative worlds” and living as Soul as One with Spirit I am, as the Powerful Creator I am, in the Joy of my/one’s True Self. Let me give you an example. A few minutes ago someone sent me an email asking me to print out a flyer. I was in the middle of doing something else; I didn’t want to be interrupted by this person, never mind to do something that I felt this person could have easily done herself. For an instant, I allowed the thought “why is this person delegating to me?” And I was on my way to becoming a “crab in a barrel”. I was starting to identify with the false self or lower self, the part of me that just wants to “take! take! take! take!” as Dr. Lane says in this Talk. But voila! I happened to be reading the Talk – and giving mySelf other Tools from CRASS, all of Which reinforce the importance of Focusing into Spirit - and I knew instantly what Giving was! So I gave to mySelf immediately by Focusing into Spirit, Focusing into Spirit, Focusing into Spirit. And a few things happened. I felt excited. I felt filled with Joy. And I had the direct experience inside mySelf of giving to mySelf. I saw that the choice to print the flyer had nothing to with anything “out there”. There was “no-thing” out there to give to; no person “out there” to do something for. It was exactly the opposite. I just saw that printing out this flyer was a way for me to give to mySelf. It was for me. I also saw that this person had given me a gift. A gift to use this request as an Opportunity to be Truly Present, which is the Focus into Spirit. And the Opportunity to accept that This is Who I am. I am Spirit. And to know, as the holidays approach, that being Present is the Present. There is none greater. And, as an Initiate Of The Sound Current on the Path Of Soul Transcendence, I am in the driver’s seat in a Glorious Partnership with Spirit/with the Lord, God. This Self-Gift is my wish for all who read this. I also got to see how “dangerous” it can be to focus instead on the lower self, to let this part of us called the basic selves rule the roost, as Dr. Lane Teaches. I could have come up against this person inside of mySelf. Doing so creates karma for which I am responsible. In addition, the Spirit in me is the same Spirit as in all of us so by going against this person I go against all of us, as Dr. Lane also Teaches. Don’t kid yourSelves – this false identification is the violence that we see projected “out there” all the time! And I am responsible to do the Two-Part Release Technique, as Dr. Lane also Teaches, when some anger came up around the request by saying “Lord, God send me Your Light!” “Lord, God, for the Highest Good, please take anything that stands between me and the Spirit I am!” And then to tell mySelf, “(my name) It’s okay to let it go!” As an Initiate, I also directed my basic selves into the action by saying, “Basics come present! I need your loving cooperation and energy to print the flyer now. Thank you and keep up the good work with this!” The Teachings that Dr. Lane brings forward Teach us that we are responsible for what we choose to persist in. I chose to give mySelf the Gift! That immediate Gift of God is the Peace and the Joy and the Giving. There is none other. For further information on this blog, about our Services, reprint rights, media interviews or to have a Service brought to your area, please email [email protected] Copyright 2016. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.
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December 2023