Please read “Learning Responsibility” on Cosmos Tree site first by going to and clicking on “blogs” on the navigation bar
I was recently given an Opportunity to Learn Responsibility, One of Many with Which I am continually Blessed! The situation that was brought forward for my Learning involved some new plants that I had purchased from a nearby flower shop. As of this writing, eight weeks or so post-purchase, one is dead; a second is on its way to that state; a third has started to “struggle”. Here’s what I Learned re: Responsibility: --Do my due diligence! I once blogged about a vacuum cleaner I had purchased that ended up spewing dust, to which I am highly allergic. I hadn’t done the research I needed to do prior to the purchase; instead, I went with an enthusiastic recommendation from a friend that I had made the “expert” on all things vacuum-related. I Learned then - as now - that I need to do research and to ask questions in advance; for instance, using this plant example, what types of plants are these? What do they need in terms of light, space and care and can I meet those requirements and do I prefer to? From my newfound due diligence I learned that the second plant noted above is rarely if ever sold as a houseplant as the conditions it needs are very particular. --I practice Blame-less Responsibility, as Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies and My Spiritual Teacher Teaches. First, I’m Present (see below for more) and that’s It, folks! If I choose to persist in negativity – say judgements on the plant store owners for not giving me the information I believe was mine to have – I immediately drop it by doing the Two-Part Release Technique by Calling in the Light Of The Most High and asking the Lord, God for the Highest Good to take it and I tell mySelf it’s OK to let it go! Again, for Initiates, being Present is a Choice and a “clear shot”. Go There! --I Go with my Knowing. Yes, I had asked “experts” for advice; in particular, when two of the plants in this example first started to look like they had gone into “shock”, something that can happen when they are exposed to a new environment or extreme cold, etc. The “experts” from the nearby plant shop gave me advice; I followed it; and plant #1 died pretty much right away. As an Initiate Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence I Know that outer solutions – say, “advice” – are fine but that I always need to take it back to mySelf - go “inside” - and Go with my Knowing, Which was that what they told me was not so. I didn’t Listen and both I and the plant “paid the price”. The Learning: be Responsible by Going with My Knowing. --Be Present and evaluate from There. My Teacher recently Reinforced for me something extremely important re: Responsibility. As an Initiate, I Know there is only One Focus – on the Spirit I am. I Focus by constantly Returning to the Upper Part Of The Third Eye. That’s how I am mySelf/live as the Spirit I am and the Only Way I help “others”. When something came up plant-wise – let’s say negativity about that advice that I had been given - I simply didn’t go with the negativity but did not focus into the Spirit I am. But as I Learned from My Teacher, just not going with negativity keeps the focus on the negativity. As My Teacher has Lovingly Taught me and many “others”, Responsibility, according to The Teachings that My Teacher Brings Forth, is Responding to the Spirit I am. So I am Present per the Sacred Technique described above – and I evaluate from That Spot. When I do that now, as I’m about to throw out the dead plant, there’s just quiet and calm and Peace. Nothing really to do. Just an Opportunity to Lift and Grow. --Be in Integrity. Integrity, according to the Teachings, is being Present. That’s It! That includes Honesty - Honesty in that I am Spirit so I live That Truth by being Present. It also means that I’m Honest with mySelf, really as a byproduct of Being Present. So my truth is that while the new plant experts are, indeed, advising me on steps to take, I have limits on what I’m willing to do energy- and time-wise. At this point I’d like to find a plant adoption service, at least for the third plant. I also realize now, as My Teacher Advised, that re: those “limits”, I could have “‘filtered’ it through My Knowing as I had done before”. There’s One Responsibility - Responding to the Spirit I am, as My Teacher Teaches. When I Choose to “go into the Soul Body and be with the Lord, God”, as My Teacher Instructed in the Dear Cosmos Tree column of Tools For Living Free #166, I get Solutions, Which, in this example, was close to doing nothing. There is One Focus. All that other stuff – thinking about the plants and/or the plant people, their donation or what was said or not said - is just blah, blah, blah that separates me from the Spirit I am. It's also karma I create when I choose to persist in it. I commit to being Responsible! Copyright 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.
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